Sunday, September 27, 2009
See, Hear, Think: Justice's "Stress"
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and I'm taking time to step away from calling out douchebags. It's been a while since we've had some tunes to share so let's open the video vault. Today, we go back to the modern electronica section which no doubt has it's share of elaborate psychedelia to ponder. But here's one that might be a bit more thought-provoking. The video features gangs of black and Arab youth creating havoc as the roam the city suburbs. Clearly, anyone watching this would be shocked and appalled by the violence that follows. But what's interesting is that scores of people believed that this footage was, in fact, real. Could it be b/c we are more prone to believe that this kind of behavior is not uncommon amongst the most marginalized of our society? Would we jump to the same conclusions if these were middle-class white teens? There's no apologies or excuses being made here for this kind of behavior. But what do you think about what you are seeing here....? Tell us. Sphere: Related Content
Friday, September 25, 2009
One last thought...F*** YOU Glenn Beck and the crazy ship you floated in on. :) This one is for you. Too funny.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
BREAKING NEWS: Tom Delay is a Woman!!
Watching Tom Delay — the money laundering, birther, oddly not currently imprisoned former House majority leader — shaking his stiff GOP hips in high heels only leaves us here at theGOPisDEAD laughing hysterically as we know you will in this clip.
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Douchebag of the Week: Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Tex.)

So many @ssholes could have won this prestigious honor this week. Really, it would have been like fishing with dynamite. But after reading Rep. Sessions' seemingly innocuous reaction to Nancy Pelosi's genuinely emotional accounting of the Teaballbaggers and like-minded ilk in the news these days, theGOPisDEAD nearly had blood shooting out of our nostrils.
On Thursday, Pelosi was asked a question by the press regarding her take on the anti-Obama sentiment degrading our country. Her initial response was rather neutral, more or less stating that all people have the right to express themselves. Yeah! Go America!
Then the Speaker became visibly emotional as she began to recall her youth:
Gosh darn if we didn't feel the same way and make that point ourselves recently. So then, what did Rep. Sessions have to say about this?:
Let's just f*cking stop it for one second. Did Pelosi actually liken these protesters to potential assassins? Was it implicit in her candor? No. What she did was recall how the increasingly HATEFUL rhetoric being spewed out from the freak factory these days reminds her emotionally of the HATEFUL discourse of her home in the late '70s. What resulted was the death of two prominent gay leaders in the city. Clearly, that time had an impact on Pelosi, something she feels to this day. Her concern as of now, however, is NOT to casually insult the dissenting voices, but to try to calm them, form some reason out of their illogical banter, and cool everyone off just a bit.
It's members of the GOP that no doubt are responsible for adding fuel to the nutball fire. But what happens if or when this gets way out of control? Sessions demonstrates a complete lack of responsibility here, instead choosing to accuse Pelosi of trying to divert attention away from a "failed agenda". F.U., Sessions. Let's not even go into what a "failed agenda" really looks like b/c you and your kind should be well-familiar with that by now. But if anyone's taking it too far here, it's you.
"The speaker's verbal assault on voters accomplishes nothing other than furthering her reputation for being wildly out of touch with the American people."
This is a continuum of last month's fake controversy when the GOP heaped scorn upon Pelosi for stating that some of the town hall protesters were carrying "swastikas and symbols like that". These idiots then attempted to exclaim the Speaker was likening opposition to Nazis.
Are you F*CKING serious?! These idiots ARE carrying signs with swastikas! They're carrying signs likening Obama to Hitler. The Speaker is pointing out FACT. Cold, frightening FACT and that's what's got her shaken up. But these douchebags have nothing better to do than feed the frenzy and spit on the victims.
This gets us to the heart of the matter. Should we, like Pelosi, be honestly concerned for what's happening in this country with regards to the tone and language being used by those who dissent? I'm not talking about whether or not you agree with the dissenting opinion. For the most part, theGOPisDEAD thinks it utter bullsh*t. But there is a growing and very uncomfortable vibe in their 'message' and it would seem that calling it out is not only important but necessary. Calling for the death of the President, that borders on TREASON. "Exercising your 2nd-Amendment rights" by bringing ground-assault rifles to public gatherings, well... those aren't f*cking sock puppets. Someone's going to get hurt. But our representatives DO have a responsibility to cool heads when the signs point to something sinister in the air. Instead, idiots like Sessions choose to fan the flames. And for that, you, Mr. Sessions, are our Douchebag Of The Week.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

By now you all know the story about the "Pimp & Prostitute" who sought advice from ACORN on how to obtain government funding to set up a brothel, harbor under-aged children, and become involved in human-trafficking. A troubling and vile outcome to a rather slick, but not so complex investigative piece. Great work to the team who exposed this story.
Of course though, the "pimp & prostitute" were none other than two undercover right-wing reporters who have since released 4 videos capturing ACORN fraud, corruption, and malfeasance. Before we continue, let's get one thing straight - theGOPisDEAD does not condone by any stretch of the imagination the actions of the aforementioned ACORN workers. Those dumb-asses ought to have been fired. However, we would like to make certain observations...and expose these two reporters for just a moment.
The Pimp:
James O'Keefe served as Publications Coordinator at the Leadership Institute (a hardcore right-wing recruiting station), where he helped initiate 22 independent newspapers and magazines across college campuses nationwide. Boasting the conversion of progressive ideology and left-wing advocates into the next leaders of the conservative movement, O'Keefe is working hard to grow his homogeneous army of right-wing thinkers.
O'Keefe has given lectures on campus strategy and fundraising, preaching the gospel of Saul Alinsky. This is an important fact. Who is Alinsky you might ask? As a well-known community organizer and writer, Alinsky spent four decades organizing the poor for radical social action. In particular he fought hard to improve conditions of African-American ghettos which became a rather passionate issue after suffering the hardships of antisemitism throughout most of his life. The important thing to note is that O'Keefe used Alinsky's own philosophy against what he stood for.
The Prostitute:
She is an aspiring journalist whose father is none other than conservative douchebag columnist Doug Giles. Wow, daddy has connections...surprise, surprise.
Okay. That's a little background on our two dodgy little investigative reporters.
Modus Operandi:
An observation: So we have two f***ing privileged, hardcore, right-wing zealots, in the form of lily-white bread crackers like O'Keefe and Giles going into poor neighborhoods posing as a pimp and a prostitute to blow the lid off of unethical behavior? Well goddamn, you did it. Wow. Powerful reporting indeed. You rats. You're both so ingenious, so cool, so crafty.
Can anyone else smell the stench from these two f***ing albino rats? We here at theGOPisDEAD come from impoverished, derelict, and well honestly ignorant fauna just like the poor bastards at ACORN who didn't have one whole brain between them in all the videos put together. They didn't know their asses from a hole in the ground. H.R.? ACORN needs to clean f***ing house or shut the doors. We digress.
Point is, the sole motivation of these two rats was to bring down ACORN and more importantly shut down any debate on healthcare reform or progressive agendas. This sh** is so transparent that if you don't understand just how insidious their little stunt is, and how sick the motivation is behind their agenda...well then...put down the crack pipe and open your eyes cuz I'm about to bitch slap you. We won't even get into the ethics of this new agenda driven journalism. No code.
Giles who is interested in "exposing social injustice and the abuses of power" finds herself in the ghettos of America posing as a prostitute to expose injustice. Whah?
I'll say it again. Two white-bread, prim-rose crackers went to the ghetto to expose injustice and power abuse, using the faces of unsuspecting black Americans. It's enough to make you insane.
This was an ambush. But alas, justice was served up...and the poor reTARDS from ACORN were fired and sent back to their slums to think about what they did. The little rich white kids took their video tapes back to daddy and his friends to break the story.
The ACORN workers had no way to abuse power, because they didn't have any f***ing power. The only injustice is the nasty way this was done to people that just didn't know any better. Let's forget about the root of the problem and how life works against black America, disproportionately imprisoning black men, discounting young black kids in inner city schools, and in general leaving an entire culture of people to rot in an American wasteland. Meanwhile the white devil looms in the form of O'Keefe and Giles exposing a sick irony.
O'Keefe and Giles must be so full of themselves, so proud of what they have done. They must be shining stars back at Disney World.
For what you might ask?
To reach with their long arm of privilege, education, and white bigotry down deep into the throats of the poor - the powerless - and the under-privileged to yank out their collective guts with no remorse whatsoever, for the sole purpose of eradicating what they fear most - AN INTELLIGENT AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT wanting to help those that cannot help themselves.
Shame on you O'Keefe and Giles. Team rat.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It Would Not Be Murder to Kill President Obama | Gays | Lesbians | by Pastor Steven Anderson

We'll let this video speak for itself. See original coverage here
"I want ALL gay and lesbians EXECUTED."
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Monday, September 14, 2009
9/12 Project | The Last Front in the War on Poverty

theGOPisDEAD sat back and watched the protesters descend on our nation's capitol this weekend, to protest against President Obama's agenda in the form of the 9/12 Project. We couldn't help but to contemplate the irony of the situation.
The whole effort has been touted as a grass roots movement, "of the people", they say. It's been reported by the likes of Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, and others that the protesters are regular everyday working class citizens standing up for their rights.
Which prompted us to recall a dramatic documentary film, The American Ruling Class (2007), written by Lewis H. Lapham and directed by John Kirby that "explores our country’s most taboo topic: class, power and privilege in our nominally democratic republic."[1] It seeks to answer the question, "Does America have a ruling class?" To which we wondered, of those individuals who protested a president trying to bring healthcare to a segment of the population in desperate need; were they part of a ruling class, and drowning out the voices of those whom it would benefit most? Are they the voices of Glenn Beck who had found his niche in the form of FEAR for profit? He is good, we'll give him that. He knows how to plug into the darkest, most sinister depths of a persons fear and rally them around his message. He will take a windfall profit of their hard earned $$$$ this year. He is a great success...a profiteer to the detriment of others.
So who were the protesters? Were they just angry citizens that earn a minimum wage and are purely against the ideology of the other side, because clearly they would benefit under a single payer system? Were they people that have plenty of everything? Healthcare? A nice home? A retirement? A trust fund? Who were they?
We scanned the sea of pale white faces, and drooping belt lines with belly fat lunging over like whale blubber, and saw a homogeneous collage of fearful, paranoid citizenry. Clearly not hungry. Clearly happy. Cleary not impoverished. What we saw had an unwavering constant flowing through the streets shouting esoteric chants that can only be mistaken as unreasonable, and full of blissful ignorance.
"To what end, the genius of the Wall Street banks and the force of the Pentagon's colossal weapons? Where does America discover the wisdom to play with its wonderful toys?" The possible answers move beyond the hollow category of party affiliation and into the heart of American Oligarchy itself.
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H.R. 3200: Sec 246 | NO. YOU LIE B****.

H.R. 3200: Sec 246 NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States. Sphere: Related Content
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Letcho' Freak Flag Fly! D.C. Rally of the Sheeple

We here at theGOPisDEAD would like to dedicate this here video to the Teabaggers, Glenny Beck's 912 Projecters, Birthers, and their kin for their scintillating cattle herding, hogtie in DC this weekend on our National Mall.
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Saturday, September 12, 2009
Holy Hate

Colbert I. King (we believe the I stands for Ice-Man), has a little op-ed piece this morning on his take on the depth of hate-speech spewing much too casually square at President Obama. Make what you want of the article, theGOPisDEAD finds the examples pertaining to "hate preach" (damn, has that term been coined yet?) alarming. More than once, we've discussed the vile, ignorant, and wholly irresponsible ministry practices of Steven L. Anderson (we believe the L stands for lamprey -- a jawless, blood-sucking fish....c'mon, just go with it) of Faithful World Baptist Church. He's the slime-ball who sermonized his prayers for the death of the President. Classy.
Then there's the Rev. Wiley Drake (we're going to assume his middle name is Cumtart) of the First Southern Baptist Church in California. This mount of divine inspiration was at least genial and compassionate in delivering his death wish:
Let's set the record straight: theGOPisDEAD has no issue with spirituality. For many, many people worldwide, it is a source of comfort, intellectualism, and compassion. And really, that's what it ought to be. What is MIGHTILY DISTURBING is when these "men of God" use their pulpits to incite and inspire hate. Gentlemen (and we use that term ironically), you are EVIL, SICK F**KS who could stand to be institutionalized. Don't sweat the stigma attached to that action; you can play it off like coke-addled celebs and say you are recovering from "stress".
In evaluating the irony and hypocrisy of such behavior, the conclusions are clear: these individuals, in truth, morph themselves into a demented apple-pie version of Islamic fascism. We might not see them strapping C-4 to their flock, but they clearly inspire dangerous and irresponsible behavior. The believers who come to their churches seek direction, understanding, and forgiveness. In return, they are given rationalizations for hate. It's not sad, it's outright evil. We at theGOPisDEAD think y'all need a big hug. It's not that your moms and dads didn't love you guys, it's that's they didn't want you in the first place. Just repeat after us, "It's not my fault." Christ, we weep for you, but we fear for the rest of us.
Friday, September 11, 2009
What Is and What Should Never Be
The New York Times has a marginally interesting piece today about the terrorist attacks from a different perspective -- the ominous "The Day After." I say "marginally" because it focuses particularly on life and the reactions of small business owners in Manhattan on September 12th. That's fine, though I don't know if the concerns of a tourist-trap souvenir shop owner really warrant an article, even if it's in the NY Metro region section. I like the big picture. I can't help but think of the incredible ground-swell of love and sympathy this country received from strangers all across the globe. How, for the most part, our elected officials stood united and we took time to talk to our neighbors.
And then, so very quickly, it got flushed down the toilet.
The bitter divide in this country that was apparent during the 2000 Presidential election started to grow and morph into something sinister and devoid of compassion or reason. The actions of our government -- justify or crucify to your heart's content -- resulted in the USA as being one of the most despised nations on Earth. The term 'Ugly American' took on a new meaning.
I watched my own city descend into some surrealist version of itself as early as September 12th, as soldiers with automatic weapons roamed empty streets and fighter jets buzzed rooftops. Mobile missile batteries were deployed next to major bridges into the city. Paranoia, fear, and mistrust settled into the most open of hearts.
I thought it might be a nice change of pace to post, once a week, a song or video that encapsulates our blog's theme. You know, give us a chance to relax from trying to comprehend all of the hate in our universe and just sing a happy tune. Too bad for us, our music is equally upsetting. So, today's music video, The Chemical Brothers' "Believe", is in dedication to that state of mind that plagued us on "The Day After". Unfortunately, for too many of us out there, this feeling persists.
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UPDATE: Joe Wilson a Klan member? Whah?

We do not have confirmed reports that he is a Klan member, but he does hang with southern brothers of a certain persuasion. Can you say the KKK took my baby away?
Looking into the background of Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, after his heckling of President Obama, some interesting facts have been uncovered:
This is an organization that, as the SPLC has detailed assiduously, has been taken over in the past decade by radical neo-Confederates who favor secession and defend slavery as a benign institution. Leading the takeover is a radical racist named Kirk Lyons, who's been an important legal figure on the far right for some years.Joe also has been a member of the Columbia World Affairs Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sinclair Lodge 154, Jamil Temple, Woodmen of the World, Sons of Confederate Veterans, ....who are known to harbor Klu Klux Klan members throughout its ranks.
As we see it the GOP is damn proud of their ignorance these days and like a swingin' dick like to hang out it out there. Keep'm comin...
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Eye Patch Undies Gets My Vote

Update: (for the original post and video see here)
WTF is it about anti-gay, family values politicians like Duvall who insist on cheating on their wives or ending up in the back seat of a male hooker's car? California State Assemblyman Michael Duvall's story is the gift that keeps on giving to theGOPisDEAD. The story is growing into a huge mess of ethics violations, more cheating with a second mistress, sex for votes with said lobbyists, and destroying more families with one fell swoop than Spiderman on a web. Turns out both women he slept with are also married.
Not only does it flag all the obvious ethnics implications (Duvall is vice-chair of the Utilities and Commerce committee, and his alleged mistress is a lobbyist for Sempra Energy), but it just plain stamps him as yet another family values hypocrite. Hey Duvall...lesson No. 1 about audio equipment: Always assume your mic is on.
Even more of a gas, Duvall was awarded the "Ethics in America" award by a local university, for his "demonstration of the highest standards of ethical integrity" as a community leader with the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce.
You sir, are a f***ing weasel. We're not surprised though, that yet another 50+ white male conservative Republican, claims the family values ticket while boning some lobbyists for seems to be their Modus operandi.
A little graph made by CheesBurger explains:

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...and the Douchebag Award goes to?!

We would like to publicly thank Joe Wilson for his outburst that resulted in a cash windfall for his 2010 Democratic challenger Rob Miller. Can you say dumba**!? Keep'm comin' reptiles.
According to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Miller raised $400,000 overnight from 11,000 individual donors after Wilson shouted "You lie!" at President Obama during his address to Congress on Wednesday night.
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Public Healthcare Option In Iraq: Brought to you by GW and the 109th (R) Controlled Congress

Sphere: Related Content"You'd better sit down, folks.
Article 31 of the Iraqi Constitution, drafted by your right-wing Bushies in 2005 and ratified by the Iraqi people, includes state-guaranteed (single payer) healthcare for life for every Iraqi citizen.
Article 31 reads:
"First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The State shall maintain public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and health institutions.
Second: Individuals and entities have the right to build hospitals, clinics,or private health care centers under the supervision of the State, and this shall be regulated by law."
"It would seem that U. S. citizens might find out if their Representative and/or Senators have supported or voted to fund the war in Iraq. If so, do they support health care as a civil right for you?
If the answers to those questions are "yes" and "no," respectively, you might consider less hypocritical representation."by Mark Dorlester
Family Values Tour With (R) Michael Duvall
Morally bankrupt and loving every minute of it...on the microphone. DOH!
Michael Duvall is a conservative Republican state representative from Orange County, California. While waiting for the start of a legislative hearing in July, the 54-year-old married father of two and family values champion began describing, for the benefit of a colleague seated next to him, his ongoing affairs with two different women. In very graphic detail.
For instance:
"She wears little eye-patch underwear. So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And so, we had made love Wednesday--a lot! And so she'll, she's all, 'I am going up and down the stairs, and you're dripping out of me!' So messy!"
What we want to know at theGOPisDEAD; who is the colleague sitting next to him that is seemingly comfortable with a conversation about Duvall cheating on his wife? We want to know what that DOUCHEBAG's name is as well. Maybe another conservative buddy? Another family values champion? Maybe someone who is so okay with good ol' Duvall's account of lust and debauchery that he has his own lobbyist sex kitten? Maybe this is just an everyday encounter between two gutless cheating conservatives touting family values to the rest of us? Maybe... Sphere: Related Content
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What is it with you Republicans? What exactly do you stand for? Let’s take your basic republican rant and examine the merits of just one of your core principles.
Mantra: Keep government small and out of my life!
Blah Blah F***ing Blah.
As we see it, the only government you ARE against—is the sh** you aren’t for. IF it’s for weapons, fire trucks, churches, cop cars, or buses for descendants of Mexico to go back, boats for descendants of Africa to go back, and an occasional romp in the sack with a page (Foley) or two well then, it’s just cool with you. Basically the racialist-homophobiac-guntoten-redneckn-toofless-ignernts don't like anything that bothers their way of life or trailer park.
It seems they are constantly preoccupied with not letting government f*** with their sh**. But ironically don’t mind government, or even worse their religion, meddling in the lives of others, as long as it’s agreeable with you. WTF is up with that, douchebags?
Where was the self-righteous indignation when government was trouncing all over American citizens' right to privacy at the onslaught of the goddamn war(s) in the name of PATRIOTISM (which BTW is over-rated).
But we digress…that’s old hat. A new hat is being worn however, decrying the White House is engaged in collecting data on private citizens…indoctrinating children...propagating communism, socialism, and any other ism their pea-brains can conjure up. I think a few have even melded sociofascitcommipigletinfidels into a new word describing an assault on trailer parks all over the nation.
REALLY MOTHERF***ERS? REALLY? That’s what you want to go with? Government Control?
GW’s policies were so deep in the anus of American citizens we could taste his Texas chicken liver balls in our mouths.
All the way down to a private citizen wanting to lay his vegetative wife to rest. You didn't mind having government control that did you?
Michael Schiavo, husband and guardian of Terri Schiavo, had a seven-year long legal fight—to disconnect his wife from her feeding tube. The right-wing nut jobs fought tooth and nail to have government infringe on the rights of a private citizen. They cried, wept, and invoked Jesus Christ more times than you could shake a Moses staff at to smite those who supported his efforts. Yeah, Yeah, we can already hear the biblical quotes now.
Point is…Republicans are constantly yelling, kicking and screaming “keep government out of my life and pocket!” Unless of course it pertains to the way they think, well then, government is your friend.
They don't call it government when they agree with it. They call it patriotic...christian...moral...and their right. Like blowing the f*** out of a deer's head with a fully automatic weapon dressed in deer piss, shit, and antlers. Man, now that's hunt'n.

Where the principles and distinction between right and wrong start at one person's perception stops at another’s. Ethical and moral attitudes are born out of a life lived. Each of us has a different outlook on how government should play a role in our lives. The fact that you think government should stay totally out of our lives is both unreasonable and impossible. At some point government control is an extension of your own beliefs. If it’s not bothering you…then it’s not controlling you.
So take your bullsh** rant somewhere else. Like China...then you can bitch about government control. Government is here for both of just depends on what policy and principle you subscribe to.
My government: my control.
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Sunday, September 6, 2009
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Friday, September 4, 2009
Thought of the Day

Quick!!! Throw down your bibles and clench your purses...the poor and the needy are coming! Sphere: Related Content
Thursday, September 3, 2009
And This Little Piggy Got Spit Into A Public Toilet...

News out of Thousand Oaks, CA, this evening on some poor 65 year-old who had just enough of the mindless zombie corps showing up at town hall meetings on health care reform...
F***ing brilliant. Despite our willingness to casually reference our desire for self-inflicted gun shot wounds, theGOPisDead detest violence. Don't get us wrong; we're not the sort of people you'd want to f*** with, but we're as much sugar as spice, bitches.
We're not even going to take sides on this one but let's get real for a second... unless you have no other options, biting off a finger is a d*ck move.
UPDATE: There appears to be confusion as to whether the biter was pro- or anti-reform. We'll state it again, we don't f***ing care. Just don't get in our faces about it. We'll claw out an eye. Sphere: Related Content
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
More Hardcore Rhetoric: Faithful World Baptist Church Pastor Wants Obama Dead

Okay theGOPisDEAD brought this pastor's sermon (see Holy Hell 8/28/09) to your attention in a previous post. In this video we are able to get up close and personal with the pastor as he comes dangerously close to eluding to assassination...albeit by GOD.
As you recall he has the likes of extremist right-wing nut, Christopher Broughton, that brought an assault rifle to an Obama event in Phoenix last week in his congregation. With this kind of rhetoric in his sermons...can you predict the next headline?
This just in...
Pastor thought to be passing out cups of Gerin oil to followers inducing Christian Zombi Ziontoxicity Complex:
"Gerin oil or geriniol is a fictional drug concocted by Richard Dawkins.
The first article, Gerin Oil, was published in an American secular humanism publication, Free Inquiry, in December 2003. It was popularized in an article titled Opiate of the Masses. It describes a dangerous legal drug "Gerin Oil" or "Geriniol." Dawkins blames its effects as being responsible for historic acts of violence such as the September 11th attacks, massacres of native South Americans by conquistadors, and the Salem Witch Trials.
According to Dawkins, users are often introduced to the drug at social gatherings such as weddings and funerals. In small amounts it is considered harmless, although its usage may increase over time. Medium usage of "Gerin Oil" is said to cause a disconnect with reality where users expect private wishes expressed to come true, often accompanied by spasmodic muscular movement or contraction. In large doses it is said to cause aural or visual hallucinations. He also links its use to child mutilation, sexual prohibition, and the tendency to smile when convicted of mass murder."
Christopher Hitchens included Dawkins' essay in his compilation The Portable Atheist.
Again, we here at theGOPisDEAD will let his comments speak for themselves.
Wow. Wow. And f***ing WOW. This guy is dangerous. Sphere: Related Content
Old White F***ER Talks Revolt

Alexander warned there would be "a minor revolution in this country" if Democrats try to "ram" a health care overhaul using a legislative tool called reconciliation, which would allow a bill to pass with 50 votes instead of 60.
"Either they don't know how to operate in a bipartisan way or they don't want to operate in a bipartisan way," he said."
We'll allow his comments to speak for themselves. The irony makes us want to go to the nearest Walmart, buy the biggest baddest shotty they have on the shelf. Use our fake i.d.s to purchase said weapon due to theGOPisDEAD's felony records and
BLOW THE F***ING TOP OF OUR HEADS OFF. Figuratively speaking of course.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is how ironic his statements are.
Listening to a Republican talk...about shoving sh** through is like raking teeth on a curb.
All we gotta say is in the immortal words of a famous douchebag GWB bring it the f*** on.
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