Colbert I. King (we believe the I stands for Ice-Man), has a little op-ed piece this morning on his take on the depth of hate-speech spewing much too casually square at President Obama. Make what you want of the article, theGOPisDEAD finds the examples pertaining to "hate preach" (damn, has that term been coined yet?) alarming. More than once, we've discussed the vile, ignorant, and wholly irresponsible ministry practices of Steven L. Anderson (we believe the L stands for lamprey -- a jawless, blood-sucking fish....c'mon, just go with it) of Faithful World Baptist Church. He's the slime-ball who sermonized his prayers for the death of the President. Classy.
Then there's the Rev. Wiley Drake (we're going to assume his middle name is Cumtart) of the First Southern Baptist Church in California. This mount of divine inspiration was at least genial and compassionate in delivering his death wish:
"I'd like him to die of natural causes. I don't want him to be a martyr; we don't need another holiday. I'd like to see him die, like Ted Kennedy, of brain cancer."
Let's set the record straight: theGOPisDEAD has no issue with spirituality. For many, many people worldwide, it is a source of comfort, intellectualism, and compassion. And really, that's what it ought to be. What is MIGHTILY DISTURBING is when these "men of God" use their pulpits to incite and inspire hate. Gentlemen (and we use that term ironically), you are EVIL, SICK F**KS who could stand to be institutionalized. Don't sweat the stigma attached to that action; you can play it off like coke-addled celebs and say you are recovering from "stress".
In evaluating the irony and hypocrisy of such behavior, the conclusions are clear: these individuals, in truth, morph themselves into a demented apple-pie version of Islamic fascism. We might not see them strapping C-4 to their flock, but they clearly inspire dangerous and irresponsible behavior. The believers who come to their churches seek direction, understanding, and forgiveness. In return, they are given rationalizations for hate. It's not sad, it's outright evil. We at theGOPisDEAD think y'all need a big hug. It's not that your moms and dads didn't love you guys, it's that's they didn't want you in the first place. Just repeat after us, "It's not my fault." Christ, we weep for you, but we fear for the rest of us.
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Let's set the record straight: theGOPisDEAD has no issue with spirituality. For many, many people worldwide, it is a source of comfort, intellectualism, and compassion. And really, that's what it ought to be. What is MIGHTILY DISTURBING is when these "men of God" use their pulpits to incite and inspire hate. Gentlemen (and we use that term ironically), you are EVIL, SICK F**KS who could stand to be institutionalized. Don't sweat the stigma attached to that action; you can play it off like coke-addled celebs and say you are recovering from "stress".
In evaluating the irony and hypocrisy of such behavior, the conclusions are clear: these individuals, in truth, morph themselves into a demented apple-pie version of Islamic fascism. We might not see them strapping C-4 to their flock, but they clearly inspire dangerous and irresponsible behavior. The believers who come to their churches seek direction, understanding, and forgiveness. In return, they are given rationalizations for hate. It's not sad, it's outright evil. We at theGOPisDEAD think y'all need a big hug. It's not that your moms and dads didn't love you guys, it's that's they didn't want you in the first place. Just repeat after us, "It's not my fault." Christ, we weep for you, but we fear for the rest of us.