So many @ssholes could have won this prestigious honor this week. Really, it would have been like fishing with dynamite. But after reading Rep. Sessions' seemingly innocuous reaction to Nancy Pelosi's genuinely emotional accounting of the Teaballbaggers and like-minded ilk in the news these days, theGOPisDEAD nearly had blood shooting out of our nostrils.
On Thursday, Pelosi was asked a question by the press regarding her take on the anti-Obama sentiment degrading our country. Her initial response was rather neutral, more or less stating that all people have the right to express themselves. Yeah! Go America!
Then the Speaker became visibly emotional as she began to recall her youth:
"I have concerns about some of the language that is being used, because I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric was very frightening, and it created a climate in which violence took place."
This is a continuum of last month's fake controversy when the GOP heaped scorn upon Pelosi for stating that some of the town hall protesters were carrying "swastikas and symbols like that". These idiots then attempted to exclaim the Speaker was likening opposition to Nazis.
Are you F*CKING serious?! These idiots ARE carrying signs with swastikas! They're carrying signs likening Obama to Hitler. The Speaker is pointing out FACT. Cold, frightening FACT and that's what's got her shaken up. But these douchebags have nothing better to do than feed the frenzy and spit on the victims.
This gets us to the heart of the matter. Should we, like Pelosi, be honestly concerned for what's happening in this country with regards to the tone and language being used by those who dissent? I'm not talking about whether or not you agree with the dissenting opinion. For the most part, theGOPisDEAD thinks it utter bullsh*t. But there is a growing and very uncomfortable vibe in their 'message' and it would seem that calling it out is not only important but necessary. Calling for the death of the President, that borders on TREASON. "Exercising your 2nd-Amendment rights" by bringing ground-assault rifles to public gatherings, well... those aren't f*cking sock puppets. Someone's going to get hurt. But our representatives DO have a responsibility to cool heads when the signs point to something sinister in the air. Instead, idiots like Sessions choose to fan the flames. And for that, you, Mr. Sessions, are our Douchebag Of The Week.
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and warning...
Gosh darn if we didn't feel the same way and make that point ourselves recently. So then, what did Rep. Sessions have to say about this?:
Let's just f*cking stop it for one second. Did Pelosi actually liken these protesters to potential assassins? Was it implicit in her candor? No. What she did was recall how the increasingly HATEFUL rhetoric being spewed out from the freak factory these days reminds her emotionally of the HATEFUL discourse of her home in the late '70s. What resulted was the death of two prominent gay leaders in the city. Clearly, that time had an impact on Pelosi, something she feels to this day. Her concern as of now, however, is NOT to casually insult the dissenting voices, but to try to calm them, form some reason out of their illogical banter, and cool everyone off just a bit.
It's members of the GOP that no doubt are responsible for adding fuel to the nutball fire. But what happens if or when this gets way out of control? Sessions demonstrates a complete lack of responsibility here, instead choosing to accuse Pelosi of trying to divert attention away from a "failed agenda". F.U., Sessions. Let's not even go into what a "failed agenda" really looks like b/c you and your kind should be well-familiar with that by now. But if anyone's taking it too far here, it's you.
[sometimes the] "ears that it is falling on are not as balanced as the person making the statement."
Gosh darn if we didn't feel the same way and make that point ourselves recently. So then, what did Rep. Sessions have to say about this?:
"The speaker is now likening genuine opposition to assassination," said Rep. Pete Sessions (Tex.), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. "Such insulting rhetoric not only undermines the credibility of her office, but it underscores the desperate attempt by her party to divert attention away from a failing agenda."
Let's just f*cking stop it for one second. Did Pelosi actually liken these protesters to potential assassins? Was it implicit in her candor? No. What she did was recall how the increasingly HATEFUL rhetoric being spewed out from the freak factory these days reminds her emotionally of the HATEFUL discourse of her home in the late '70s. What resulted was the death of two prominent gay leaders in the city. Clearly, that time had an impact on Pelosi, something she feels to this day. Her concern as of now, however, is NOT to casually insult the dissenting voices, but to try to calm them, form some reason out of their illogical banter, and cool everyone off just a bit.
It's members of the GOP that no doubt are responsible for adding fuel to the nutball fire. But what happens if or when this gets way out of control? Sessions demonstrates a complete lack of responsibility here, instead choosing to accuse Pelosi of trying to divert attention away from a "failed agenda". F.U., Sessions. Let's not even go into what a "failed agenda" really looks like b/c you and your kind should be well-familiar with that by now. But if anyone's taking it too far here, it's you.
Pelosi took care to say that she does not think the debate has crossed into dangerous territory. "Our country is great because people can say what they think and they believe. But I also think that they have to take responsibility for any incitement that they may cause," she said.
"The speaker's verbal assault on voters accomplishes nothing other than furthering her reputation for being wildly out of touch with the American people."
And Sessions' reply?
"The speaker's verbal assault on voters accomplishes nothing other than furthering her reputation for being wildly out of touch with the American people."
This is a continuum of last month's fake controversy when the GOP heaped scorn upon Pelosi for stating that some of the town hall protesters were carrying "swastikas and symbols like that". These idiots then attempted to exclaim the Speaker was likening opposition to Nazis.
Are you F*CKING serious?! These idiots ARE carrying signs with swastikas! They're carrying signs likening Obama to Hitler. The Speaker is pointing out FACT. Cold, frightening FACT and that's what's got her shaken up. But these douchebags have nothing better to do than feed the frenzy and spit on the victims.
This gets us to the heart of the matter. Should we, like Pelosi, be honestly concerned for what's happening in this country with regards to the tone and language being used by those who dissent? I'm not talking about whether or not you agree with the dissenting opinion. For the most part, theGOPisDEAD thinks it utter bullsh*t. But there is a growing and very uncomfortable vibe in their 'message' and it would seem that calling it out is not only important but necessary. Calling for the death of the President, that borders on TREASON. "Exercising your 2nd-Amendment rights" by bringing ground-assault rifles to public gatherings, well... those aren't f*cking sock puppets. Someone's going to get hurt. But our representatives DO have a responsibility to cool heads when the signs point to something sinister in the air. Instead, idiots like Sessions choose to fan the flames. And for that, you, Mr. Sessions, are our Douchebag Of The Week.