Thursday, September 3, 2009

And This Little Piggy Got Spit Into A Public Toilet...

News out of Thousand Oaks, CA, this evening on some poor 65 year-old who had just enough of the mindless zombie corps showing up at town hall meetings on health care reform...

Southern California's KTLA-TV, which first reported on the fracas, wrote, "The 65-year-old was apparently aggressive and hit the other man, who then retaliated by biting off his attacker's pinky."

F***ing brilliant. Despite our willingness to casually reference our desire for self-inflicted gun shot wounds, theGOPisDead detest violence. Don't get us wrong; we're not the sort of people you'd want to f*** with, but we're as much sugar as spice, bitches.

We're not even going to take sides on this one but let's get real for a second... unless you have no other options, biting off a finger is a d*ck move.

UPDATE: There appears to be confusion as to whether the biter was pro- or anti-reform. We'll state it again, we don't f***ing care. Just don't get in our faces about it. We'll claw out an eye. Sphere: Related Content