theGOPisDEAD sat back and watched the protesters descend on our nation's capitol this weekend, to protest against President Obama's agenda in the form of the 9/12 Project. We couldn't help but to contemplate the irony of the situation.
The whole effort has been touted as a grass roots movement, "of the people", they say. It's been reported by the likes of Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, and others that the protesters are regular everyday working class citizens standing up for their rights.
Which prompted us to recall a dramatic documentary film, The American Ruling Class (2007), written by Lewis H. Lapham and directed by John Kirby that "explores our country’s most taboo topic: class, power and privilege in our nominally democratic republic."[1] It seeks to answer the question, "Does America have a ruling class?" To which we wondered, of those individuals who protested a president trying to bring healthcare to a segment of the population in desperate need; were they part of a ruling class, and drowning out the voices of those whom it would benefit most? Are they the voices of Glenn Beck who had found his niche in the form of FEAR for profit? He is good, we'll give him that. He knows how to plug into the darkest, most sinister depths of a persons fear and rally them around his message. He will take a windfall profit of their hard earned $$$$ this year. He is a great success...a profiteer to the detriment of others.
So who were the protesters? Were they just angry citizens that earn a minimum wage and are purely against the ideology of the other side, because clearly they would benefit under a single payer system? Were they people that have plenty of everything? Healthcare? A nice home? A retirement? A trust fund? Who were they?
We scanned the sea of pale white faces, and drooping belt lines with belly fat lunging over like whale blubber, and saw a homogeneous collage of fearful, paranoid citizenry. Clearly not hungry. Clearly happy. Cleary not impoverished. What we saw had an unwavering constant flowing through the streets shouting esoteric chants that can only be mistaken as unreasonable, and full of blissful ignorance.
"To what end, the genius of the Wall Street banks and the force of the Pentagon's colossal weapons? Where does America discover the wisdom to play with its wonderful toys?" The possible answers move beyond the hollow category of party affiliation and into the heart of American Oligarchy itself.
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