"Sen. Alexander warned Tuesday against Democratic attempts to overhaul the nation's health care system without support from congressional Republicans.
Alexander warned there would be "a minor revolution in this country" if Democrats try to "ram" a health care overhaul using a legislative tool called reconciliation, which would allow a bill to pass with 50 votes instead of 60.
Alexander also complained the White House has cut Republicans out of talks.
"Either they don't know how to operate in a bipartisan way or they don't want to operate in a bipartisan way," he said."
We'll allow his comments to speak for themselves. The irony makes us want to go to the nearest Walmart, buy the biggest baddest shotty they have on the shelf. Use our fake i.d.s to purchase said weapon due to theGOPisDEAD's felony records and
BLOW THE F***ING TOP OF OUR HEADS OFF. Figuratively speaking of course.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is how ironic his statements are.
Listening to a Republican talk...about shoving sh** through is like raking teeth on a curb.
All we gotta say is in the immortal words of a famous douchebag GWB bring it the f*** on.
"Either they don't know how to operate in a bipartisan way or they don't want to operate in a bipartisan way," he said."
We'll allow his comments to speak for themselves. The irony makes us want to go to the nearest Walmart, buy the biggest baddest shotty they have on the shelf. Use our fake i.d.s to purchase said weapon due to theGOPisDEAD's felony records and
BLOW THE F***ING TOP OF OUR HEADS OFF. Figuratively speaking of course.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is how ironic his statements are.
Listening to a Republican talk...about shoving sh** through is like raking teeth on a curb.
All we gotta say is in the immortal words of a famous douchebag GWB bring it the f*** on.
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