Sunday, September 27, 2009

See, Hear, Think: Justice's "Stress"

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and I'm taking time to step away from calling out douchebags. It's been a while since we've had some tunes to share so let's open the video vault. Today, we go back to the modern electronica section which no doubt has it's share of elaborate psychedelia to ponder. But here's one that might be a bit more thought-provoking. The video features gangs of black and Arab youth creating havoc as the roam the city suburbs. Clearly, anyone watching this would be shocked and appalled by the violence that follows. But what's interesting is that scores of people believed that this footage was, in fact, real. Could it be b/c we are more prone to believe that this kind of behavior is not uncommon amongst the most marginalized of our society? Would we jump to the same conclusions if these were middle-class white teens? There's no apologies or excuses being made here for this kind of behavior. But what do you think about what you are seeing here....? Tell us. Sphere: Related Content