Remember that extremist right-wing nut, Christopher Broughton, that brought an assault rifle to an Obama event in Phoenix last week? You know, the guy that said this:
"I want attention brought to the ideas that I espouse...I don't think the political process works anymore. It is done. . . . This government is the most corrupt Mafioso on the face of the Earth."
Well, wouldn't you know it, psychos tend to cluster in groups. Broughton is a member of the Faithful World Baptist Church headed by Steven Anderson. The day before Broughton showed up on a public street w/a fistful of bullets, he was attending Anderson's enlightening sermon called, "Why I Hate Barack Obama". Hmm... man of god? check. Hate preaching? check. We can just safely file this one under 'Typical Right-Wing Hypocrisy'. Oh wait...what's that?
Wow. Just, wow...
Anderson has been kind enough to post his sermon on YouTube! If you manage to sit through an hour of this nonsense, you might need a lobotomy.