By now you all know the story about the "Pimp & Prostitute" who sought advice from ACORN on how to obtain government funding to set up a brothel, harbor under-aged children, and become involved in human-trafficking. A troubling and vile outcome to a rather slick, but not so complex investigative piece. Great work to the team who exposed this story.
Of course though, the "pimp & prostitute" were none other than two undercover right-wing reporters who have since released 4 videos capturing ACORN fraud, corruption, and malfeasance. Before we continue, let's get one thing straight - theGOPisDEAD does not condone by any stretch of the imagination the actions of the aforementioned ACORN workers. Those dumb-asses ought to have been fired. However, we would like to make certain observations...and expose these two reporters for just a moment.
The Pimp:
James O'Keefe served as Publications Coordinator at the Leadership Institute (a hardcore right-wing recruiting station), where he helped initiate 22 independent newspapers and magazines across college campuses nationwide. Boasting the conversion of progressive ideology and left-wing advocates into the next leaders of the conservative movement, O'Keefe is working hard to grow his homogeneous army of right-wing thinkers.
O'Keefe has given lectures on campus strategy and fundraising, preaching the gospel of Saul Alinsky. This is an important fact. Who is Alinsky you might ask? As a well-known community organizer and writer, Alinsky spent four decades organizing the poor for radical social action. In particular he fought hard to improve conditions of African-American ghettos which became a rather passionate issue after suffering the hardships of antisemitism throughout most of his life. The important thing to note is that O'Keefe used Alinsky's own philosophy against what he stood for.
The Prostitute:
"20-year-old Hannah Giles is a college student who became interested in exposing social injustice and the abuses of power when she attended her first conference in Washington, DC in 2007."
She is an aspiring journalist whose father is none other than conservative douchebag columnist Doug Giles. Wow, daddy has connections...surprise, surprise.
Okay. That's a little background on our two dodgy little investigative reporters.
Modus Operandi:
An observation: So we have two f***ing privileged, hardcore, right-wing zealots, in the form of lily-white bread crackers like O'Keefe and Giles going into poor neighborhoods posing as a pimp and a prostitute to blow the lid off of unethical behavior? Well goddamn, you did it. Wow. Powerful reporting indeed. You rats. You're both so ingenious, so cool, so crafty.
Can anyone else smell the stench from these two f***ing albino rats? We here at theGOPisDEAD come from impoverished, derelict, and well honestly ignorant fauna just like the poor bastards at ACORN who didn't have one whole brain between them in all the videos put together. They didn't know their asses from a hole in the ground. H.R.? ACORN needs to clean f***ing house or shut the doors. We digress.
Point is, the sole motivation of these two rats was to bring down ACORN and more importantly shut down any debate on healthcare reform or progressive agendas. This sh** is so transparent that if you don't understand just how insidious their little stunt is, and how sick the motivation is behind their agenda...well then...put down the crack pipe and open your eyes cuz I'm about to bitch slap you. We won't even get into the ethics of this new agenda driven journalism. No code.
Giles who is interested in "exposing social injustice and the abuses of power" finds herself in the ghettos of America posing as a prostitute to expose injustice. Whah?
I'll say it again. Two white-bread, prim-rose crackers went to the ghetto to expose injustice and power abuse, using the faces of unsuspecting black Americans. It's enough to make you insane.
This was an ambush. But alas, justice was served up...and the poor reTARDS from ACORN were fired and sent back to their slums to think about what they did. The little rich white kids took their video tapes back to daddy and his friends to break the story.
The ACORN workers had no way to abuse power, because they didn't have any f***ing power. The only injustice is the nasty way this was done to people that just didn't know any better. Let's forget about the root of the problem and how life works against black America, disproportionately imprisoning black men, discounting young black kids in inner city schools, and in general leaving an entire culture of people to rot in an American wasteland. Meanwhile the white devil looms in the form of O'Keefe and Giles exposing a sick irony.
O'Keefe and Giles must be so full of themselves, so proud of what they have done. They must be shining stars back at Disney World.
For what you might ask?
To reach with their long arm of privilege, education, and white bigotry down deep into the throats of the poor - the powerless - and the under-privileged to yank out their collective guts with no remorse whatsoever, for the sole purpose of eradicating what they fear most - AN INTELLIGENT AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT wanting to help those that cannot help themselves.
Shame on you O'Keefe and Giles. Team rat.
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