Friday, September 11, 2009

UPDATE: Joe Wilson a Klan member? Whah?

We do not have confirmed reports that he is a Klan member, but he does hang with southern brothers of a certain persuasion. Can you say the KKK took my baby away?

Looking into the background of Rep. Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina, after his heckling of President Obama, some interesting facts have been uncovered:

Joe also has been a member of the Columbia World Affairs Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Sinclair Lodge 154, Jamil Temple, Woodmen of the World, Sons of Confederate Veterans, ....who are known to harbor Klu Klux Klan members throughout its ranks.

This is an organization that, as the SPLC has detailed assiduously, has been taken over in the past decade by radical neo-Confederates who favor secession and defend slavery as a benign institution. Leading the takeover is a radical racist named Kirk Lyons, who's been an important legal figure on the far right for some years.

As we see it the GOP is damn proud of their ignorance these days and like a swingin' dick like to hang out it out there. Keep'm comin...

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