Update: (for the original post and video see here)
WTF is it about anti-gay, family values politicians like Duvall who insist on cheating on their wives or ending up in the back seat of a male hooker's car? California State Assemblyman Michael Duvall's story is the gift that keeps on giving to theGOPisDEAD. The story is growing into a huge mess of ethics violations, more cheating with a second mistress, sex for votes with said lobbyists, and destroying more families with one fell swoop than Spiderman on a web. Turns out both women he slept with are also married.
Not only does it flag all the obvious ethnics implications (Duvall is vice-chair of the Utilities and Commerce committee, and his alleged mistress is a lobbyist for Sempra Energy), but it just plain stamps him as yet another family values hypocrite. Hey Duvall...lesson No. 1 about audio equipment: Always assume your mic is on.
Even more of a gas, Duvall was awarded the "Ethics in America" award by a local university, for his "demonstration of the highest standards of ethical integrity" as a community leader with the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce.
You sir, are a f***ing weasel. We're not surprised though, that yet another 50+ white male conservative Republican, claims the family values ticket while boning some lobbyists for votes...it seems to be their Modus operandi.
A little graph made by CheesBurger explains:

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