What is it with you Republicans? What exactly do you stand for? Let’s take your basic republican rant and examine the merits of just one of your core principles.
Mantra: Keep government small and out of my life!
Blah Blah F***ing Blah.
As we see it, the only government you ARE against—is the sh** you aren’t for. IF it’s for weapons, fire trucks, churches, cop cars, or buses for descendants of Mexico to go back, boats for descendants of Africa to go back, and an occasional romp in the sack with a page (Foley) or two well then, it’s just cool with you. Basically the racialist-homophobiac-guntoten-redneckn-toofless-ignernts don't like anything that bothers their way of life or trailer park.
It seems they are constantly preoccupied with not letting government f*** with their sh**. But ironically don’t mind government, or even worse their religion, meddling in the lives of others, as long as it’s agreeable with you. WTF is up with that, douchebags?
Where was the self-righteous indignation when government was trouncing all over American citizens' right to privacy at the onslaught of the goddamn war(s) in the name of PATRIOTISM (which BTW is over-rated).
But we digress…that’s old hat. A new hat is being worn however, decrying the White House is engaged in collecting data on private citizens…indoctrinating children...propagating communism, socialism, and any other ism their pea-brains can conjure up. I think a few have even melded sociofascitcommipigletinfidels into a new word describing an assault on trailer parks all over the nation.
REALLY MOTHERF***ERS? REALLY? That’s what you want to go with? Government Control?
GW’s policies were so deep in the anus of American citizens we could taste his Texas chicken liver balls in our mouths.
All the way down to a private citizen wanting to lay his vegetative wife to rest. You didn't mind having government control that did you?
Michael Schiavo, husband and guardian of Terri Schiavo, had a seven-year long legal fight—to disconnect his wife from her feeding tube. The right-wing nut jobs fought tooth and nail to have government infringe on the rights of a private citizen. They cried, wept, and invoked Jesus Christ more times than you could shake a Moses staff at to smite those who supported his efforts. Yeah, Yeah, we can already hear the biblical quotes now.
Point is…Republicans are constantly yelling, kicking and screaming “keep government out of my life and pocket!” Unless of course it pertains to the way they think, well then, government is your friend.
They don't call it government when they agree with it. They call it patriotic...christian...moral...and their right. Like blowing the f*** out of a deer's head with a fully automatic weapon dressed in deer piss, shit, and antlers. Man, now that's hunt'n.

Where the principles and distinction between right and wrong start at one person's perception stops at another’s. Ethical and moral attitudes are born out of a life lived. Each of us has a different outlook on how government should play a role in our lives. The fact that you think government should stay totally out of our lives is both unreasonable and impossible. At some point government control is an extension of your own beliefs. If it’s not bothering you…then it’s not controlling you.
So take your bullsh** rant somewhere else. Like China...then you can bitch about government control. Government is here for both of us...it just depends on what policy and principle you subscribe to.
My government: my control.
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