Monday, August 31, 2009

Stephen Hawkings is a Brit? Doh!

Quote EFF up of the month:

In a recent editorial, Investors Business Daily claimed: "People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless." Source here

Trouble is:

He is a Brit — born in Oxford and currently a professor at the University of Cambridge.

To which the brilliant physicist defended, “I wouldn’t be here today if it were not for the N.H.S. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived.” Sphere: Related Content

15 Point 14th Century Action Plan

theGOPisDEAD would like to bring your attention to a 93-page research paper written by a consummate reptile, Republican Bob McDonnell. In it he speaks about a Christian conservative worldview that criticizes "cohabitators, homosexuals and fornicators" and described working women and feminists "detrimental" to family values.

"The thesis was called "The Republican Party's Vision for the Family: The Compelling Issue of the Decade. It laid out very explicitly his vision for the role of government, as well as, his vision for a social agenda that should dominate governance, and it even went beyond just a personal political philosophy,"

"It had a 15-point action plan for how to implement that philosophy."

Meanwhile back at the farm the family values argument plays out as yet one more hypocritical montage after another. A heterogeneous mixture of f*** your way of life because my way is gonna get you into the pearly gates of heaven.

McDonnell's newly-discovered 1989 graduate thesis is quite a revelation that will most assuredly sink the GOP's 2012 bid for1600 Pennsylvania Ave. There is no shortage of wolf crying prophets in the GOP party. He is in good company with political martyrs like Palin striking the hot chord of damnation for all sinners/voters of 2012, which also coincides with other famous predictions for two-thousand and twelve's apocalypse now prophecy that foretells the end of the world...!!

It makes us wonder at theGOPisDEAD, just how far to use a pejorative term, that "bible thumpers" will go to aggressively push their Christian beliefs upon those of us who do not share them? Or a better question, just how long before people recognize this hateful pontification for what it truly is...tired ass dogmatic and inflexible ideology.

If all signs point to McDonnell's theory being propagated as the way to govern (G.W.B. take II), then run as fast as you can away from this crazy amalgamation of Fear and Prejudice (sequel to Fear & Loathing)! Oh yes we know your next observation reptile. "Well they (meaning we sinners, infidels, and despots) are assaulting Christians, family values, and Santa Claus so we're turn'n up the proverbial Jesus heat.

Most Republican bible thumpers which ironically seem to always intersect at the same creepy place as if all God fearing Christians come with the GOP brand and are concentrated in areas where the state is blood red with Amurican pride and rebel flags in cohabitation with yards upon yards of white sheets with holes cut in them. WTF? We digress...and run on.

Point is, dudes like McDonnell will give anything to have us believe it is bad to progress. It is bad to evolve. It is bad to be tolerant of others. It is bad to think critically. It is bad to empathize, understand, and intellectualize the differences between human beings. And most importantly, God hates some of his own creations.

Being all-knowing and all...wouldn't God have figured that s*** out before spinning the pottery wheel to make a new bowl or plate? We can see it now, God says, "DAMN it! I made another gay ass coffee mug!"

He wants us to believe that God only loves those who think the way he thinks. He wants us to believe in the power of a loving God that creates individuals like him that hate every other thing...not like him. We say, he can suck it. And by "It" we mean...he can suck it the tabloids read, "McDonnell Caught With Tranny, Transgendered, Hermaphrodite, Mormon Hooker!" Hey, theGOPisDEAD can dream. ;)

If such a headline ever comes to pass...we won't say, I told you so. \M/ (heavy metal horns)

We love this guy!!! He is the gift that keeps giving to the Republican party. The more they spew this vomit...and ignorance towards others...the deeper in that cave they go until they disappear like the dinosaurs they denounce. Self-fulfilled prophecy.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

In France, He's a Douchébag

For the love of Godlessness, we hate Glenn Beck. He's like the guy who's drunk driving has just killed or injured scores of people yet he's the only one to walk away from the wreck w/out a scratch.
So why mention him now? Hell, we'd be happy to denounce this turd every day of the week; we'd just need a full-time staff to do it. It's more that a certain September date is coming up soon and I couldn't help but think of this classic bit straight from his mouth.

You don't need to even try to put this clip into context. It speaks for itself. Beck is out for Beck, let's get that straight. What do you make of his 9/12 Project, a campaign to get back to the American spirit and good-will felt around the world the day after the terrorist attacks? You remember that good-will, right? Sort of? That stuff Bush-Cheney quickly snuffed out, gutted, and f**ked like a dirty sock puppet? Yeah, that was good stuff. Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Spit in my face and tell me it's raining...

Meet Brian Brown, executive director for the National Organization for Marriage, and his apparently sad wife, Sue. The Washington Post put out a nice "profile" of the reptilian-like straight-crusader, exposing the educated (Oxford) and sensitive side of the gay-hate movement. You can wrap this turd in any form you want, theGOPisDEAD know a cold-blooded fraud when we see it.

Never mind his obvious ignorance...

Two Million for Marriage, the organization's push to rally online activists around the country, was similarly unfortunate: Apparently no one at NOM had realized that 2M4M, the hip-sounding tag they'd chosen for the initiative, is also the abbreviation favored by gay couples looking for a threesome.

Or his unfortunate co-opting of the same defense and motivational tactics employed by slave states during the Civil War...

He tries to help people see that opposing gay marriage does not make them bigots, that the argument should have nothing to do with hate or fear, and everything to do with history and tradition.

Heck, let's just forget about this loser altogether, shall we? The real gem of this story is wife Sue. She seems like a loving, devoted wife, the kind that stands by her man despite her own rational misgivings...

"Obviously, I always realized there were gay people...but I didn't think about them wanting to get married. Initially, I probably thought, well, what's the big deal if they do? What does it have to do with me?"

No, the real essence of what gets theGOPisDEAD all fired up is summed up nicely right here...

In Connecticut, they lived on a street with two sets of lesbian parents. One summer a mutual acquaintance threw a neighborhood party. Brian wasn't invited at all, and Sue's invitation came with a note: "We know what Brian does. If your views are not the same, you can come to the party." Sue stayed home.

One wonders if she let the kids play together or forced them to take baths in rubbing alcohol afterward. Seriously? TWO sets of lesbian parents on the same street and the woman still doesn't get it? Really, it's great you two moved to the DC area, there's some fantastic bars in Dupont Circle you two are going to enjoy. But you might want to reconsider Topeka. Lots of "good, clean" people out there.
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Friday, August 28, 2009

Holy Hell

Remember that extremist right-wing nut, Christopher Broughton, that brought an assault rifle to an Obama event in Phoenix last week? You know, the guy that said this:

"I want attention brought to the ideas that I espouse...I don't think the political process works anymore. It is done. . . . This government is the most corrupt Mafioso on the face of the Earth."

Well, wouldn't you know it, psychos tend to cluster in groups. Broughton is a member of the Faithful World Baptist Church headed by Steven Anderson. The day before Broughton showed up on a public street w/a fistful of bullets, he was attending Anderson's enlightening sermon called, "Why I Hate Barack Obama". Hmm... man of god? check. Hate preaching? check. We can just safely file this one under 'Typical Right-Wing Hypocrisy'. Oh wait...what's that?
Wow. Just, wow...
Anderson has been kind enough to post his sermon on YouTube! If you manage to sit through an hour of this nonsense, you might need a lobotomy.

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Another Racist F***ing Republican Reptile Gets Foot-in-Mouth Disease

Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins: GOP is searching for "great white hope"

The spokesman for Kansas Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins is apologizing today for remarks the congresswoman made during a recent forum in Hiawatha, Kan.

"Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope," Jenkins said to the crowd. "I suggest to any of you who are concerned about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican minds in Washington."

Jenkins identified several Republicans -- Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin -- as future movers and shakers.

All are white.

Submitted by Steve Kraske on August 27, 2009

Oh sure, you say it was taken out of context. We at theGOPisDEAD believe that may be true, but come the f*** on...! That phrase carries weight motherf***ers.

The phrase "great white hope" often is associated with pre-civil rights-era racism and is widely believed to have entered usage in the U.S. when boxer Jack Johnson, who was black, captured the heavyweight title in the early 20th century. Many whites reacted to Johnson's achievement by trying to find white fighters — or a "great white hope" — who could beat him. Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, August 27, 2009


This is one looooong a** winded post bitches. So bare with us and read about the way the crazy f***ing right is skeering the crap out of old people. Including theGOPisDEAD's very own granny. Even though our sweet granny is dead from the original death panel-the insurance company-from the lack of medical coverage when she had colon cancer. But, we digress. Love you grandma!

Death Panels?
Government Takeover? Medicare Gutted? Every day the myths seem to spread further and become more absurd. In response, the experts at AARP have been pouring over the myths, the facts, and the actual health reform proposals to answer all of your questions.

Meanwhile, here are some of the persistent myths about health care reform, how they arose, and what the three leading current proposals­—a House bill, a Senate health committee bill and a set of options still being considered by the Senate Finance Committee—actually say about those issues:

Q. Will the government take over health care so we end up with socialized medicine?

No. Neither the president nor the congressional committees have suggested anything remotely resembling a government takeover of health care.

Obama has specifically rejected the idea of a “single payer” system, like Canada’s, in which the government insures all citizens. None of the leading proposals in Congress even considers going down this road—a fact that has brought strong protests from some consumer and doctor groups that favor this approach. And although Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., has long called for a “Medicare for All” program, this is not included in proposals from the Senate health committee that he chairs.

Even further off the table is the concept of “socialized medicine”—in which the government not only runs health care but also owns hospitals and pays doctors’ salaries. Great Britain has this kind of setup, as do the Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense health programs in the United States.

Where did this myth come from? Opponents of reform constantly use the term “government-run health care” to disparage the reform proposals, despite the popularity and success of existing government-run programs like Medicare. The tactic often works. Even some Medicare beneficiaries say they’re worried about a “government takeover” of Medicare.

What do the proposals say? Obama has proposed setting up a single “public plan”—available only to those without employer insurance—to provide a voluntary alternative to the many private plans that offer individual health insurance. The House and Senate health committee bills propose a national public plan to compete with these plans and meet the same requirements. The Senate Finance Committee is expected to exclude a public plan. Lawmakers are also considering state-run community health co-ops as an option.

Q. Will private insurance be outlawed or wither on the vine?

No. Obama and the congressional committees say their objective is to build on the current system—keeping employer-sponsored group insurance and giving more consumer protections to people who are employed by small businesses or buy insurance as individuals.

Supporters of a public plan option argue that it would act as a safety net for the uninsured, provide competition for private insurers and, in Obama’s words, “keep them honest.” Opponents of the public option, including the health insurance industry, contend that it would ultimately destroy private insurance because the government could offer lower payment rates to doctors and hospitals, as Medicare now does.

Where did this myth come from? Currently 177 million people have employer or individual insurance. The issue caught fire after the Lewin Group, a research consulting firm owned by UnitedHealth Group, estimated that 119 million of them would switch to a public plan, if everybody were allowed to join it. But the proposals actually exclude those with employer insurance from the public plan. On that basis, the group estimates that 34.9 million would exit private insurance—but it was the high 119 million figure that ricocheted around the Internet.

Another public policy group, the Urban Institute, calculated that after reform, 161 million (or 91 percent) would still enroll in private plans. A third group, the Economic Policy Institute, examined how employers would react to a “pay or play” mandate, which would require them to either provide coverage or contribute up to 8 percent of payroll to cover the uninsured. Fears of a mass exodus from employer insurance “are overblown,” the study found. “Millions of workers will keep the employer-sponsored insurance they have today.”

What do the proposals say? Each of the proposals calls for national or regional heath insurance exchanges that would allow people without employer or public insurance and small employers to choose from a menu of private insurance plans (and a public option, if there is one), with online information to help compare them.

Subsidies would be available for people unable to afford the premiums, on a sliding scale according to income. And under the House bill, people with employer insurance would be eligible for government help if their premiums exceeded 11 percent of their income. Small businesses would also get subsidies.

People with existing insurance would be able to keep it after reform begins. But after that date, new individual policies could no longer be sold unless they met required standards of benefits. After five years, all plans—including group employer insurance—would have to meet those standards.

Q. Will the government encourage euthanasia to save costs?

No. This false but scary idea—now surging around the Internet in blogs and e-mails—claims that the House bill would require Medicare beneficiaries to have mandatory classes every five years to decide how to end their lives earlier. Typical e-mails add: “They’re going to push suicide to cut Medicare spending!” All identify page 425 of the bill as their source.

Where did this myth come from? On July 16, Betsy McCaughey, a former Republican lieutenant governor of New York, appeared on a conservative radio show. Citing page 425, she said: “Congress would make it mandatory … that every five years, people in Medicare have a required counseling session that will tell them how to end their life sooner … all to do what’s in society’s best interest.”

On July 23, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, leader of the House Republicans, issued a statement saying: “This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia if enacted into law.” On Aug. 7, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin described the proposal as setting up a “death panel.”

What does the proposal say? The clause on page 424 (section 1233) would require Medicare to pay doctors for their time if beneficiaries chose to consult them for information on advance care planning, such as making a living will, appointing a health proxy, and hospice care (already covered by Medicare). Medicare would pay for these sessions only once every five years.

AARP described McCaughey’s claims as “rife with gross—and even cruel—distortions” of legislation that “would not only help people make the best decisions for themselves [on end-of-life care], but also better ensure that their wishes are followed.”

Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, who has sponsored a bill that would also allow Medicare to cover end-of-life planning, characterized the death panel talk as “nuts.”

Q. Will Medicare be eliminated or gutted to pay for reform?

No. It’s inconceivable that any lawmaker would commit political suicide by proposing to get rid of Medicare. But the rumor has fast gained ground.

Where did this myth come from? Dick Morris, a political commentator, posted an article on his blog that began: “Obama’s health care proposal is, in effect, the repeal of the Medicare program as we know it.” Morris claimed that the proposals “will totally gut Medicare and replace it with government-managed care and rationing.” His article was picked up within days on some 281,000 websites.

What do the proposals say? It’s true they all seek to save billions from Medicare costs—not by cutting benefits, but by setting up new ways to pay doctors more fairly and to reward providers for quality of care instead of (as now) paying them a fee for each separate service; reducing waste and fraud; and reducing preventable hospital readmissions.

All the proposals would cut the amount of subsidies now paid to Medicare Advantage private health plans, which cost an average of 14 percent more per person than traditional Medicare does. Without subsidies, the private plans could become more efficient, or they could raise premiums, reduce benefits or withdraw from Medicare.

The proposals also add benefits to Medicare­—such as covering more preventive services and narrowing the Part D “doughnut hole.”

Q. Will the government ration care?

No. But the specter of “rationing” is the battle cry of reform opponents. They say people in their 90s, 80s or even 70s will be deemed “too old” for joint replacements and cancer care—and even, in one persistent rumor, that “Obama​care” would deny treatment to people going blind in one eye as long as their other eye still works.

Where did this myth come from? It’s part of the “government takeover” argument, playing on often inaccurate beliefs that countries with national health systems severely ration care. In a widely circulated memo, political consultant Frank Luntz offered Republicans language that he believed would most resonate with Americans to defeat the Democrats’ push for reform. He suggested they say: “In countries with government run healthcare, politicians make your healthcare decisions. They decide if you’ll get the procedure you need … We can’t have that in America.”

What do the proposals say? In fact, they seek to prevent denial of care. Under every proposal, insurance companies would no longer be able to deny coverage on the basis of current health or preexisting medical conditions.

The proposals also would require plans to offer benefits packages with a comprehensive range of medical services equal to those in typical employer-sponsored plans. An independent advisory board, removed from political influence, would recommend new specific services to be covered based on scientific evidence. Annual or lifetime limits on coverage would be prohibited. None of the bills places any age limits on receiving medical care.

Q. Will insurance companies remain between you and your doctor, then bend you over and F*** you in the A**?!!

YES. :) and this is NOT theGOPisDEAD's humble opinion, but a point of fact motherf*****s.

Where to go for the facts on health care reform proposals:

The following websites are run by nonpartisan organizations with no stake in the proposals:

* The Kaiser Family Foundation's side-by-side comparison of the details of the leading proposals
* The Annenberg Public Policy Center's fact checker
*'s Truth-O-Meter Sphere: Related Content

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thought of the Day

F*** the bloated blood filled bellies of the super rich. Like ticks and leeches overeating, and gorging themselves on their host...they'll eat until they pop. Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Money, Money, Money! Gimmie Some More!

What's up f***ers! A little tune for your reading pleasure.

New Film on Bill Moyers Friday, August 28

This Friday, August 28, Bill Moyers Journal will preview excerpts from Money-Driven Medicine, the powerful new documentary on the medical-industrial complex, produced by Academy Award winner Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side; Enron: The Smart Guys in the Room) and now available on DVD from California Newsreel (Unnatural Causes). Money-Driven Medicine helps dispel the myths about what’s really driving the cost and quality of American health care. Bill Moyers said, “Money-Driven Medicine is one of the strongest documentaries I have seen in years and could not be more timely. The more people who see and talk about it, the more likely we are to get serious and true health care reform.” Moyers’ August 28th program (check local PBS listings) will be devoted to the film, which is based on Maggie Mahar’s acclaimed book, Money-Driven Medicine: the Real Reason Health Care Costs So Much. To view on-line video clips, purchase DVDs and learn more about Money-Driven Medicine and ways to use it, visit or . Please forward this message to friends and colleagues.OR NOT S***HEAD.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009


theGOPisDEAD crew just completed an intensive study of the reptilian right. We would like to share some information and warning signs to help you recognize one when you spot it! Careful though, due to the tiny size of the reptilian may appear somewhat vapid or listless, tricking you into a brain-dead conversation about guns, god, and gays. They have also been known to bite a can of Budweiser clean into! Approach with caution.

Reptiles, or members of the class Reptilia, are air-breathing, generally "cold-blooded" (poikilothermic) amniotes that generally have skin covered in scales or scutes. They are tetrapods (having or having descended from vertebrates with four limbs) and lay amniote eggs, whose embryos are surrounded by the amnion membrane. Modern reptiles inhabit every continent with the exception of Antarctica, and four living orders are currently recognized:

The majority of reptile species are oviparous (egg-laying) although certain species of squamates are capable of giving live birth. This is achieved, either through ovoviviparity (egg retention), or viviparity (offspring born without use of calcified eggs). Many of the viviparous species feed their fetuses through various forms of placenta analogous to those of mammals with some providing initial care for their hatchlings. Extant reptiles range in size from a tiny gecko, Sphaerodactylus ariasae, that grows to only 1.6 cm (0.6 in), to the saltwater crocodile that may reach 6 m in length and weigh over 1,000 kg. The science dealing with reptiles is called herpetology.

See the video below as this poor victim falls into the grips of a scaly far-right female specimen:

*WARNING* This is graphic footage of a reptile devouring a Jewish citizen with its powerful intellect *NOT*. Listen carefully to the end of the video as it displays its reTARD mating call.

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Glenn Beck'tile to Lose More Sponsors | F***ing Lizard

Eight more Glenn Beck advertisers, including Wal-Mart -- the world's largest retailer -- have confirmed to that they pulled their ads from the controversial Fox News Channel broadcaster's eponymous show. Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank (a unit of GMAC Financial Services), Best Buy, Broadview Security, CVS, Re-Bath, Travelocity and Wal-Mart join the dozen other companies who previously distanced themselves from Beck.

Twenty companies have pulled their ads from Beck's show in just the last two weeks. The moves come after the Fox News host called President Obama a "racist" who "has a deep-seated hatred for white people" during an appearance on Fox & Friends. Previous companies who pulled their ads include ConAgra, GEICO,, Men's Wearhouse, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Roche, SC Johnson, Sanofi-Aventis, Sargento, and State Farm Insurance.


James Rucker

Posted: August 17, 2009 04:3 Sphere: Related Content

GOP | The New Liberal?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Fox News: The New Liberals
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Painting the Pain Away

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Monday, August 17, 2009

The Elite, the Stupid, and the Racists

Stay tuned we continue to cover the healthcare reform debate. We will ponder the epic paradigm paralysis of the social, intellectual, and economically challenged. We will shine a light on their inability or utter refusal by these modest Amuuuuricans to see beyond their current window licking models of thinking. theGOPisDEAD will dig deep into the core reasons why the stupid, and the racists, are able to be lead so easily by the reptilian elite like lambs to the slaughter. Sphere: Related Content

Thought of the day

So you Dems are going to forfeit healthcare reform and a public option because you are afraid to lose are you?

theGOPisDEAD sends you a hearty, F*** you. You chickenhearted motherf***ers. I hope you lose it all. This is about people not power.

Maybe we see a theDEMSareDEAD blog in the near future. Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Meet Lenny Cosmos...

Leonid M. Chernovetsky, mayor of Kiev, is on the fast track to political wingnutdom. To beat Palin, though, he's gonna have to run a marathon. Guy looks up to it, you betcha! Sphere: Related Content

Friday, August 14, 2009

Eugenics Tree by a crazy F***

No f***ing wonder people are scared out of their minds listening to this motherf***er day in, and day out. What's really despicable is the fact that he knows this is a bulls*** rant to drum up more fear, more anger, and more confusion.

Trying to wrap your head around the fact that Beck has created and seized upon this moment to exploit individuals fear makes me want to smash his face with a hammer. A nerf hammer. ;)

If any of you conservatives have a brain still in, don't walk, from this motherf***er and anyone like him at 1,000 mph.

theGOPisDEAD would like to point out a classic Beck reaction @ 5:38

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Brawndo's Got What Plants Crave

Oh, we're a heady lot here at theGOPisDEAD, ain't we? I can only assume that some of you viewing this post are the type who wear buttons to your kid's Parent's Weekend gatherings at UVA that read, "Guns Save Lives". So I should also assume you aren't familiar with a logic table. Not to worry. Thanks to leaders like Sara Palin and Rudy Giuliani, with their uncanny gifts of cogitation, science may as well rethink the fundamentals of trivial things like math and gravity so they not only conform nicely with your 18th century view of the world but so that you all can digest the big issues of the day in the time it takes you to microwave your Hot Pockets and jam 'em down your throat. Wow, some might call that a run-on sentence written by a sociopath. But I don't suspect you have time or need for periods or common sense.

Good old Rudy. I sure do wish he'd go back to trying to make the Notre Dame football team. He was so much likable back then, so full of gumption...

The Chicago Sun-Times has posted a nice piece about Giuliani's reaction to Palin's ridiculous 'death panels' scare tactic.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani argued today that “it is natural” to assume that the Democratic health care reform plan will lead to “death panels” making end-of-life decisions for seniors.

“This is a real concern not made up by radio talk show hosts,” Giuliani said.

He's partially right. It's a fake concern made up by talk show hosts and third-rate politicians.

Pressed on whether he himself believed the legislation calls for “death panels” to recommend hospice instead of treatment for the elderly, Giuliani said, “The only way in which you can save money the way the president and the House claims is by reducing care. So it is natural that some people would believe, particularly since they have these provisions for end-of-life decision-making councils, that it is natural that people would suggest that one of the ways you would do that is to cut off care for the elderly. Whether they will do that or not I don’t know. ... People assume these Death Panels will be created. They [Democratic legislators] have created that suggestion in the ambiguity of the legislation.”

Yes, it sure is natural to assume that taking a falsity and adding to it can only make it true. What's troubling is that Giuliani doesn't actually answer the question posed to him. That is, does he believe such a thing? Instead, he states it's just soooo ambiguous in the Dem's bill, it could lead to any natural assumption, like the government will set up a special panel to gas your elderly parents. No, don't repute it, don't help clear the confusion your party as created, just add to it until it's true. F***ing hell.

And just so you don't get the idea that we've got persistently engorged private parts for our Dem brethren and sisters, file this one under "spineless":

Democrats said their intent in covering counseling about end-of-life decisions for seniors was just to cover the cost of discussions about hospice care for seniors who under current plans cannot pay for that. But some Democratic legislative leaders said today they would remove the provision from the proposed legislation because of the uproar caused by critics calling them “death panels.”


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Thought of the day

I think it's utterly grotesque that either side is using our elderly as pawns in the healthcare reform debate. Both sides may argue policy, however certain principles in my mind is irrefutable. There has to be a sense of humanity as we negate one another's ideas, philosophies, and opinions. There is no civility left in our struggle to come to a genuine consensus. At the end of the day, how we treat our elderly, and less fortunate may be the greatest measure of any society. As I see it now...we are at an all time low.

A sad commentary indeed.

Hmmm that is a very serious and contemplative thought. Maybe far too serious for this blog.

Okay in theGOPisDEAD style:

STFU with the bulls**t lies and manipulation. Fear mongering to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end is weak, heartless, and cowardice in the eyes of the Cherokee people. Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, August 13, 2009


We here at theGOPisDEAD love our grandmaz! That's why we have dedicated this post to them.

A note from granny: So you want to abolish my medicare and social security do you reptile? I hope you go home tonight and tell your grandmothers that your young ass, who is years away from retirement, wants to take away her social programs.

I dare you all to explain why first, then tell her she is a communist socialist pig! Tell her she is a lazy piece of s*** sucking off of society and should get the f*** out and work. Tell her that you are pissed off and ain't gonna take her shit anymore.


theGOPisDEAD's granny

Related News:

1:48 | "Ughm, aaand, I think it, to me, maybe I'm just not that smart..." or as we here at theGOPisDEAD like to admit are...waaaaaaay the f*** over our own collective heads - some of the time. ;)

So let me get this straight. WAR has been normalized to the extent that it has not garnered her undivided attention or awareness!!?

Yet, healthcare reform...has pissed her off so much that she has just gotta speak out against such perverse bull****.

Puff. Praise Jesus. I just lost my f***ing mind on that thought. Sphere: Related Content

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lysergic acid diethylamide - FOX MUSE

So I like to watch FOX NEWS to entertain myself while I beat my own skull with a hammer. It's like tripping on LSD. Its psychological effects include vivid visual, sensual and aural hallucinations, including a sense of time and reality distortion.

Drugs rule. Try FOX and FIENDS each morning to start your day of just right. Dosing never felt so good. Sphere: Related Content

Thought of the day

Where the f*** was this outrage...when...?! You shortbus, window licking, mother******s. You have some gall.

Just in case reptile:
  • Main Entry: 1gall
  • Pronunciation: \ˈgl\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gealla; akin to Greek cholē, cholos gall, wrath, Old English geolu yellow — more at yellow
  • Date: before 12th century

1 a : bile; especially : bile obtained from an animal and used in the arts or medicine b : something bitter to endure c : bitterness of spirit : rancor
2 : brazen boldness coupled with impudent assurance and insolence

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mr Goebbels Goes to Washington...

Ah, another day, another opportunity for freedom to shine its bright light across the USa. In fact, my elected congressional representative, as a way to inform me of fact over fiction, has been kind enough to host a town hall meeting to discuss the importance of overhauling the health care system. I really need to go to this. I hear government doctors are going to be prescribing single bullets instead of penicillin. That doesn't seem right!

Much like the GOP, even the idea of a rational, thoughtful Q & A session has devolved into mindless, reactionary obturation. It was bad enough when the zombie hordes fell into a lock-step rush to war under the guise of freedom, but this time the organ-feeders are organized thanks to the concerned and enlightened efforts of P.R. firms representing health and insurance industries (you know, those entities that exist to make money off of you, not actually heal you...)

It was just a matter of time before the feeding frenzy got violent, but why was I not surprised to see it get ugly? I'm talking Invasion-of-Poland ugly...

Via NYTimes:

The tenor of some of the debates has become extreme. Ms. Pelosi has accused people at recent protests of carrying signs associating the Democratic plan with Nazi swastikas and SS symbols, and some photographs showing such signs have been posted on the Web.

On Thursday, the talk show host Rush Limbaugh said the administration’s health care logo was itself similar to a Nazi symbol.

So what's worse? Egregious scare-tactics based on falsifications or objectionable hate-speak in the guise of concerned civic duty? Thanks to Americans for Prosperity you can have it both ways!

"Adolf Hitler issued six million end of life orders--he called his program the final solution. I kind of wonder what we're going to call ours."

The speaker then compares Democratic health care reform efforts to the murderous regimes of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, and advises his audience to "go to offices of members of Congress and put the fear of god in them."

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Debunking a couple myths about Medicare - LIAR LIAR LIAR

FACT #1: Medicare will not be ended, and no benefits or services will be cut. Your services will not be ended, nor will your benefits be cut. The current proposals include savings in Medicare by cutting out fraud, abuse, waste, and inefficiency, making sure benefits for Medicare recipients are not only fully protected, but are improved.

FACT #2: No legislation currently in Congress would mandate the rationing of care. Period.

FACT #3: There is no provision of any piece of legislation that would promote euthanasia of any kind.
The rumors out there are flat out lies. Right now Medicare does not cover counseling for end-of-life care. The portion of the bill in question would simply provide coverage for optional end-of-life consultations with doctors, so that the patient can be aware of all of the treatment options on the table. It is not mandatory and it has nothing to do with euthanasia. The legislation circulating in Congress contains no provisions in the bills that would ration care for Medicare members. None.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ultimate Fighting Championships | tap out reptile

When someone starts a blog, the intent is to present information others may find intriguing, relevant, frustrating, informative, or down right cool enough to keep your collective asses engaged.

I started this particular amalgamation to bring a spirit of debate and contest. More specifically to prove the "grand old party" with "OLD" as **** being the optimal word here is kaput, over, done, fried, crispy, and a vacant shell of a party not worthy of recognition. I find their ideas stagnate, tired, backwards, boorish, mean, and down right irrelevant.

So kids, let's crack this fresh blog-o-dynamite open with an invitation to debate the healthcare reform issue. I want a no holds barred cage match of ideas, philosophies, and policies to run amok!

When all is said and done, we will soon find the party of NO sticking to their deliverance, dueling banjo, conservative, anti-anything policies without principal like stink on a skunk. Praise Jesus.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Let's get it on mutha*******!

BTW don't be fooled by my colloquial rhetoric reptile...this is serious.

Okay here we go.

Question: Are you for or against a public option and why? Sphere: Related Content

Let's not RUSH this!!!

coming soon!

my greatest thoughts, opinions and observations of just how ****ing insane the right-wing has become in regards to the healthcare reform debate.

stay tuned...this is gonna be good! Sphere: Related Content

Thought of the day

**** YOU - YOU COLD BLOODED - LISTLESS - REPTILE ****S. Sphere: Related Content