Sunday, August 30, 2009

In France, He's a Douchébag

For the love of Godlessness, we hate Glenn Beck. He's like the guy who's drunk driving has just killed or injured scores of people yet he's the only one to walk away from the wreck w/out a scratch.
So why mention him now? Hell, we'd be happy to denounce this turd every day of the week; we'd just need a full-time staff to do it. It's more that a certain September date is coming up soon and I couldn't help but think of this classic bit straight from his mouth.

You don't need to even try to put this clip into context. It speaks for itself. Beck is out for Beck, let's get that straight. What do you make of his 9/12 Project, a campaign to get back to the American spirit and good-will felt around the world the day after the terrorist attacks? You remember that good-will, right? Sort of? That stuff Bush-Cheney quickly snuffed out, gutted, and f**ked like a dirty sock puppet? Yeah, that was good stuff. Sphere: Related Content