When someone starts a blog, the intent is to present information others may find intriguing, relevant, frustrating, informative, or down right cool enough to keep your collective asses engaged.
I started this particular amalgamation to bring a spirit of debate and contest. More specifically to prove the "grand old party" with "OLD" as **** being the optimal word here is kaput, over, done, fried, crispy, and a vacant shell of a party not worthy of recognition. I find their ideas stagnate, tired, backwards, boorish, mean, and down right irrelevant.
So kids, let's crack this fresh blog-o-dynamite open with an invitation to debate the healthcare reform issue. I want a no holds barred cage match of ideas, philosophies, and policies to run amok!
When all is said and done, we will soon find the party of NO sticking to their deliverance, dueling banjo, conservative, anti-anything policies without principal like stink on a skunk. Praise Jesus.
Ding. Ding. Ding. Let's get it on mutha*******!
BTW don't be fooled by my colloquial rhetoric reptile...this is serious.
Okay here we go.
Question: Are you for or against a public option and why? Sphere: Related Content