Meet Brian Brown, executive director for the National Organization for Marriage, and his apparently sad wife, Sue. The Washington Post put out a nice "profile" of the reptilian-like straight-crusader, exposing the educated (Oxford) and sensitive side of the gay-hate movement. You can wrap this turd in any form you want, theGOPisDEAD know a cold-blooded fraud when we see it.
Never mind his obvious ignorance...
Two Million for Marriage, the organization's push to rally online activists around the country, was similarly unfortunate: Apparently no one at NOM had realized that 2M4M, the hip-sounding tag they'd chosen for the initiative, is also the abbreviation favored by gay couples looking for a threesome.
Or his unfortunate co-opting of the same defense and motivational tactics employed by slave states during the Civil War...
He tries to help people see that opposing gay marriage does not make them bigots, that the argument should have nothing to do with hate or fear, and everything to do with history and tradition.
Heck, let's just forget about this loser altogether, shall we? The real gem of this story is wife Sue. She seems like a loving, devoted wife, the kind that stands by her man despite her own rational misgivings...
"Obviously, I always realized there were gay people...but I didn't think about them wanting to get married. Initially, I probably thought, well, what's the big deal if they do? What does it have to do with me?"
No, the real essence of what gets theGOPisDEAD all fired up is summed up nicely right here...
In Connecticut, they lived on a street with two sets of lesbian parents. One summer a mutual acquaintance threw a neighborhood party. Brian wasn't invited at all, and Sue's invitation came with a note: "We know what Brian does. If your views are not the same, you can come to the party." Sue stayed home.
One wonders if she let the kids play together or forced them to take baths in rubbing alcohol afterward. Seriously? TWO sets of lesbian parents on the same street and the woman still doesn't get it? Really, it's great you two moved to the DC area, there's some fantastic bars in Dupont Circle you two are going to enjoy. But you might want to reconsider Topeka. Lots of "good, clean" people out there.
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