Ah, another day, another opportunity for freedom to shine its bright light across the USa. In fact, my elected congressional representative, as a way to inform me of fact over fiction, has been kind enough to host a town hall meeting to discuss the importance of overhauling the health care system. I really need to go to this. I hear government doctors are going to be prescribing single bullets instead of penicillin. That doesn't seem right!
Much like the GOP, even the idea of a rational, thoughtful Q & A session has devolved into mindless, reactionary obturation. It was bad enough when the zombie hordes fell into a lock-step rush to war under the guise of freedom, but this time the organ-feeders are organized thanks to the concerned and enlightened efforts of P.R. firms representing health and insurance industries (you know, those entities that exist to make money off of you, not actually heal you...)
It was just a matter of time before the feeding frenzy got violent, but why was I not surprised to see it get ugly? I'm talking Invasion-of-Poland ugly...
Via NYTimes:
The tenor of some of the debates has become extreme. Ms. Pelosi has accused people at recent protests of carrying signs associating the Democratic plan with Nazi swastikas and SS symbols, and some photographs showing such signs have been posted on the Web.
On Thursday, the talk show host Rush Limbaugh said the administration’s health care logo was itself similar to a Nazi symbol.
So what's worse? Egregious scare-tactics based on falsifications or objectionable hate-speak in the guise of concerned civic duty? Thanks to Americans for Prosperity you can have it both ways!
"Adolf Hitler issued six million end of life orders--he called his program the final solution. I kind of wonder what we're going to call ours."
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The speaker then compares Democratic health care reform efforts to the murderous regimes of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, and advises his audience to "go to offices of members of Congress and put the fear of god in them."