Friday, August 14, 2009

Thought of the day

I think it's utterly grotesque that either side is using our elderly as pawns in the healthcare reform debate. Both sides may argue policy, however certain principles in my mind is irrefutable. There has to be a sense of humanity as we negate one another's ideas, philosophies, and opinions. There is no civility left in our struggle to come to a genuine consensus. At the end of the day, how we treat our elderly, and less fortunate may be the greatest measure of any society. As I see it now...we are at an all time low.

A sad commentary indeed.

Hmmm that is a very serious and contemplative thought. Maybe far too serious for this blog.

Okay in theGOPisDEAD style:

STFU with the bulls**t lies and manipulation. Fear mongering to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end is weak, heartless, and cowardice in the eyes of the Cherokee people. Sphere: Related Content