tim: What do you mean oral is dead? How can we live without oral?
joe: Yes. I'm afraid Oral has died.
tim: Well that is preposterous! What am I gonna do now? I love oral.
joe: What the hell are you talking about? We can all live without Oral. Oral was ignernt and bigoted.
tim: That's bullshit meng, just cause you can live without oral and you think it was ignorant doesn't mean the rest of us think so.
joe: NO STUPID...Oral f*cking Roberts is dead!
tim: Oh...[clears throat]...THANK GOD!
The right-wing has lost another champion of hate and the world breaths a sigh of relief. One more hatebreeder biting the dust never gets old. We here at theGOPisDEAD wanted to give a proper send off by giving our fans Oral.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman, a former Democrat who sits with Democratic caucus, said Tuesday that he would not rule out running for re-election in 2012 as a Republican.
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Tuesday that he’d back a GOP filibuster of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill.
Lieberman, who caucuses with Democrats and is positioning himself as a fiscal hawk on the issue, said he opposes any health care bill that includes a government-run insurance program — even if it includes a provision allowing states to opt out of the program, as Reid’s has said the Senate bill will.
"We're trying to do too much at once," Lieberman said. “To put this government-created insurance company on top of everything else is just asking for trouble for the taxpayers, for the premium payers and for the national debt. I don’t think we need it now."
Lieberman added that he’d vote against a public option plan “even with an opt-out because it still creates a whole new government entitlement program for which taxpayers will be on the line."
Droopy Dawg Senator Lieberman is a f*cking traitor and must be havin' real trouble understanding the Senate healthcare reform bill, or is being bent over and drilled in the arse by someone with deep pockets. Truth is, the seemingly defunct public option would NOT be funded by taxpayers (as the cowardice Senator Lieberman falsely claims) and would be prohibited by law from drawing on general Treasury funds; it would be funded solely by those who choose to purchase it. It's not the same as Medicare or Medicaid which are provided to those who qualify as a "social welfare" entitlement program. The public option is a product which people can buy or opt out as they so choose.
Taxpayer funds will provide subsidies to lower and middle income people (Which Senator Lieberman supports), but those subsidies would be equivalent whether they are used for a public or private option. Finally, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has found that, if you're going to have subsidies, including a public option reduces the cost to taxpayers. This is also contrary to what Senator Lieberman claimed about the inclusion of a public option increasing the debt. Basically he is a LIAR.
What we want to know is why this motherf*cker hasn't changed the "I" to an "R" yet? This no good piece of sh*t closet reptile is in the pocket of someone, and solely motivated like most reptiles by the all mighty dollar.
What we also want to know is, what is the f*cking difference between not-for-profit government being between us and our doctor, or the insurance companies - a no account middleman - who are in the business of denying coverage? Health Insurance companies are a for profit entity that are allowed to dictate what your coverage will be. How insane is that? Deny coverage, and they make money. Healthcare insurance is the biggest scam going. They serve no other purpose, other than to take your money, and give you as little possible for your dollar. And somehow the Reptiles will have you believe that is NOT rationed healthcare. On top of denying coverage they raise premiums 20+% or more each year while coverage and access to healthcare erodes like a New Orleans flood wall.
The more you pay...the less you receive. And don't have a pre-existing anything...game over.
All these f*cks repeat like a broken goddamn record is, "don't raise taxes, don't raise taxes..." each and every nauseating second they open their mouths. YET, they have no other plan on record to provide a new solution or create equity and justice for all not just the filthy rich in this country. NONE. NOTTA. ZILCH. The old saying, "the haves, and the have-nots," has taken on new meaning in this country. It's now the, "Have it f*ckingalls, and have less than nothing."
These reptiles have been using the no TAX bullshit ad nauseam forever, yet every one knows the deficit ALWAYS rises under a Republican administration. Both Dems and Reps raise the tax.
Reptiles just spend the money on bombs, guns, and GOD like a f*cking crackhead on the pipe...but NEVER see it as spending, growing government, or draining American pockets in the name of national security without having to call it TAX and SPEND.
These hypocritical f*cks give tax breaks to churches, corporations, the uber-rich, and anyone under the sun that will suck a right-wing, bible thumping, crocodile penis. I don't go to church bitch...hell we don't even believe in religion. Where's our tax break?
Well guess what They always leave it up to the left to be holding the good ol' tax bag, because the reality is folks...there are two things certain in life. TAX and DEATH.And both are guilty of it. Republicans have just mastered the message that they don't tax. WE SAY BULLF*CKING SHIT.
For a fantastic read on the selfish ways of the right...SEE HERE
H.R.4173 - Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009
To provide for financial regulatory reform, to protect consumers and investors, to enhance Federal understanding of insurance issues, to regulate the over-the-counter derivatives markets, and for other purposes.
PREACH MOFO Subcommittee Chairman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) breaks down how the legislative language he wrote [in the Amendment] will protect Main Street, and that Republicans disingenuously claim that it is a 'socialist bailout fund'. He explains why he supports the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and calls out the reptilian right in proper fashion. He gets pissed off...and shows some f*cking spine like most Dems and Progressives ought to do. IF you douchebags don't wake up and smell the proverbial coffee...your ass is toast for 2010 and beyond. Yeah we're talking to you PROGRESSIVE. What's in a name? PROGRESS-bitches-PROGRESS.
Washington (CNN) – Outspoken Rep. Alan Grayson has a message for blunt-speaking former Vice President Dick Cheney: stop talking.
Responding to the former VP’s criticism of President Obama’s national security policy, including his decision to try accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court, the Florida Democrat lapsed into Web-speak.
“You know, on the internet there's an acronym that's used to apply to situations like this. It's called ‘STFU,’” Grayson said on MNBC’s Hardball. “I don't think I can say that on the air, but I think you know what that means.” The letters are an acronym for “shut the f*** up.”
Cheney has been a vocal critic of the president’s policies, telling Fox News earlier this week that the extended decision-making process on Afghanistan “feeds into sort of the basic al Qaeda strategy” by fueling a sense of uncertainty on the future direction of U.S. involvement.
Why Andrew Sullivan cannot support the "Conservative" party:
I cannot support a movement that claims to believe in limited government but backed an unlimited domestic and foreign policy presidency that assumed illegal, extra-constitutional dictatorial powers until forced by the system to return to the rule of law.
I cannot support a movement that exploded spending and borrowing and blames its successor for the debt.
I cannot support a movement that so abandoned government's minimal and vital role to police markets and address natural disasters that it gave us Katrina and the financial meltdown of 2008.
I cannot support a movement that holds torture as a core value.
I cannot support a movement that holds that purely religious doctrine should govern civil political decisions and that uses the sacredness of religious faith for the pursuit of worldly power.
I cannot support a movement that is deeply homophobic, cynically deploys fear of homosexuals to win votes, and gives off such a racist vibe that its share of the minority vote remains pitiful.
I cannot support a movement which has no real respect for the institutions of government and is prepared to use any tactic and any means to fight political warfare rather than conduct a political conversation.
I cannot support a movement that sees permanent war as compatible with liberal democratic norms and limited government.
I cannot support a movement that criminalizes private behavior in the war on drugs.
I cannot support a movement that would back a vice-presidential candidate manifestly unqualified and duplicitous because of identity politics and electoral cynicism.
I cannot support a movement that regards gay people as threats to their own families.
I cannot support a movement that does not accept evolution as a fact.
I cannot support a movement that sees climate change as a hoax and offers domestic oil exploration as the core plank of an energy policy.
I cannot support a movement that refuses ever to raise taxes, while proposing no meaningful reductions in government spending.
I cannot support a movement that refuses to distance itself from a demagogue like Rush Limbaugh or a nutjob like Glenn Beck.
I cannot support a movement that believes that the United States should be the sole global power, should sustain a permanent war machine to police the entire planet, and sees violence as the core tool for international relations.
Does this make me a "radical leftist" as Michelle Malkin would say? Emphatically not. But it sure disqualifies me from the current American right.
To paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the conservative movement. It left me.
In a three-way Generic Ballot test, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Democrats attracting 36% of the vote. The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%, and Republicans finish third at 18%. Another 22% are undecided.
Among voters not affiliated with either major party, the Tea Party comes out on top. Thirty-three percent (33%) prefer the Tea Party candidate, and 30% are undecided. Twenty-five percent (25%) would vote for a Democrat, and just 12% prefer the GOP.
Sure you can find an idiot in every bunch, and we at theGOPisDEAD are not biased enough (yeah right) to know that goes for both sides of the political spectrum. Hell we here at theGOPisDEAD aren't that friggin bright. But, you do have to admitthe reptilian far right has a special breed of stupid which is highlighted in this here video.
They say, "ignorance is bliss," yet fail to mention that the rest of us suffer the consequences of unrelenting stupidity. The rest of us have to walk among these lizard like creatures, that are dumb as a pile of f*cking rocks. And with 300+ million Americans roaming the streets that's a lot of rock. A Palin book signing is like a rock quarry Fred Flintstone himself would be proud of. In fact: Barney Rubble actually makes an appearance in support of Palin's new book. He's also a Steelers fan...who knew?
Yep, one thing is for sure about Palin, that woman can draw out the celebrities! So who else decides to show up for the Palin book signing? None other than SHREK himself (see 18 secs in)! Which apparently - and we are pissed as hell that no one told us - got a sex change?
Just when you think these motherf*ckers are crazy enough on the far right. They go and up it a notch. It's the gift that keeps on giving to theGOPisDEAD. :)
Christian youth groups finally have an alternative to normal, aka "front," hugs. As we all know, face to face embraces run the horrific risk of a clothed crotch graze. The Christian Side-Hug (or the CSH, as the kids call it) rids us of sin, as the only below the belt contact will be some good old-fashioned hip on hip action.
To help the side-hug fad sweep the nation, let us present this hardcore rap song. Yup, side-hugging has hit the streets. The group has as many emcees as the Wu-Tang Clan and as much power as a barbershop quartet.
Look out for the ominous sirens blasting on the track. Clearly, these are gangsters on the run from the law - probably from side-hugging up a storm! One emcee (wearing his bandanna 2pac-style no less) admits to taking part in the forbidden front-hug. But don't worry, God. He's married.
At the end, they all simulate getting shot and dying. We can only hope there are side-hugs in heaven.
"I've always tried to analyze things because I want to be a lawyer," Will said. "I really don't feel that there's currently liberty and justice for all."
After asking his parents whether it was against the law not to stand for the pledge, Will decided to do something. On Monday, Oct. 5, when the other kids in his class stood up to recite the pledge of allegiance, he remained sitting down. The class had a substitute teacher that week, a retired educator from the district, who knew Will's mother and grandmother. Though the substitute tried to make him stand up, he respectfully refused. He did it again the next day, and the next day.
10 year old Will Phillips appeared on CNN Monday morning with his father, Jay, to discuss his refusal to say the pledge of allegiance. We are all more fortunate today to have this young man on our side.
"I've grown up with a lot of people and I'm good friends with a lot of people who are gay and I think they should have the rights all people should, and I'm not going to swear that they do," the ten-year-old Phillips said.
Jay Phillips, asked if his son was prepared for the media attention, said his son saw it as an opportunity to raise awareness. "He felt that just because he's ten years old doesn't mean he doesn't have opinions, doesn't mean he doesn't have rights, and doesn't mean he can't make a difference."
The tea party protests continued last week, as Congresswoman Michele Bachmann held an anti-health-care-reform rally on the steps of the Capitol. While she estimated that 20,000-45,000 people attended the event, the Washington Post reported it was actually more like 10,000.
Still, that is a sizable number of Americans exercising their right to free speech and assembly, and that warrants news coverage. But Sean Hannity and his team did more than cover the event. They not only inflated the number in attendance with their words, but actually used footage from a heavily-attended protest this summer to make this health care rally appear more popular. Hannity even pointed out that this was a huge crowd for a Thursday, when the protest footage they used was from a Saturday.
Jon Stewart and his team caught this discrepancy and ran with it, pointing out neither the color of the leaves nor sky in the tacked-on video matched that of the actual footage.
Fox News' Sean Hannity responded to Jon Stewart Wednesday evening after the Daily Show host called out the network for using old footage from a larger September 12, 2009 "Tea Party' protest to illustrate a much smaller health care rally on Capitol Hill last week.
Speaking directly to the camera, Hannity said that it pained him to admit it, but Stewart was correct.
Doesn't Sean have one of those prick faces...? We here at theGOPisDEAD think so. :)
Is there any end to the f*cking indiscriminate raping of mainstream America? I mean come on!! These sick f*cks show a level of callous indifference towards the suffering of others, that is absolutely criminal.
We here at theGOPisDEAD would give anything to make excessive greed a crime punishable by death...except ironically the law makers are sucking on the Goldman "dick" Sachs.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. - Galbraith
It never ceases to amaze us here at theGOPisDEAD how obtuse the right-wing is, but ironically so sure of their opinions and ideology, without ever having truly lived on the other side of what they are so sure of. Disagreeable for the sake of being boorishly conservative, and dogmatic in spite of so much suffering.
Conservatives will mangle the truth of their hypocrisy by touting the moral high ground as if it were irrefutable. They string along the weak, the poor, and the stupid to the detriment of their own well-being. Conservatives believe they are the champions of morality. They are mostly afraid of progress and will fight tooth and nail for their customs, conventions, and continuities regardless of the evolution of modern society. They are so deathly afraid of what they don't know, they are in a constant battle to maintain the status quo whether it be the healthcare reform debate, social injustice, human suffering, or otherwise.
Conservatives have mastered the art of what is possible without ever having to actually achieve anything at all. Their core principles are reverberated as a constant in the political battle to win voters, yet neither of them will ever come to fruition.
They have been promising for 30+ years to reverse Roe vs Wade. It will NEVER happen. They know it, and we know it. It will never ever happen, but the right use it over and over again to divide and conquer. When will their constituents hold them accountable? When will they stop believing this lie?
They state they believe in smaller government, and that government cannot help, yet are unwilling to fall on this sword by privatizing public services such as schools, fire, police, medicare, medicaid, social security, and military to name a few. They are unwilling to note that our military is part of the federal government and somehow discount its expenditures as less than wasteful against social programs they denounce daily. The United States accounts for nearly half of the combined military budgets of the entire planet. The Pentagon budget comes to more than the gross domestic product of all 47 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. bringing the total for defense spending to between $925 billion and $1.14 trillion in 2009. That sounds like smaller government to us doesn't it?
Point is...they are the party of fear mongering dogmatic platitudes, along with their backwards assed thinking, gun-toting, bible thumping, trailer parked, toothless, redneck, racist constituents that vote against their own best interest in spite of the GOP's inability to render the country a post 1950s apocalyptic malformation of reason.
They say they are losing their country. But what does that mean? With every civil right given to our citizenry comes a hearty battle-cry from the right that we are digressing into a country of pornographers, infidels, baby killers, and perverts. What country are they losing? What country are they talking about? What the f*** are they trying to tell us?
The GOP clearly would like to roll the clock back in time...keep it all at bay where they feel safe and sound behind their white picket fences, Revelations, and locked doors waiting for Jesus to come save their hateful, war mongering, irrelevant, selfish selves from the ensuing Apocalypse.
Until then...we progress.
“The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, is an American late night satirical TV show that dialed in its probing tragicomedy microscope on Republican's sick and twisted love affair with the likes of a profiteering war industry. (See the clip here) It's a shame a fake news show picked this up...while most mainstream media would rather report on f***ing "Balloon Boy."
The Gist
Republicans lined up in droves to vote against Franken Amdt. No. 2588 to prohibit the use of funds for any Federal contract with Halliburton Company, KBR, Inc., any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, or any other contracting party if such contractor or a subcontractor at any tier under such contract requires that employees or independent contractors sign mandatory arbitration clauses regarding certain claims.
Hmmmm, well that sounds pretty harmless doesn't it? Sounds like voting against Amdt. No. 2588 would protect companies like Haliburton from bogus law suits. Fair enough, right? In detail the amendment prohibits the government from contracting with companies that refuse to allow employees to pursue allegations in court. Except for the f***ing fact the allegations they fail to mention is more specifically RAPE/Sexual Assault.
In 2005, Jamie Leigh Jones was gang-raped by her co-workers while she was working for Halliburton/KBR in Baghdad. She was detained in a shipping container for at least 24 hours without food, water, or a bed, and “warned her that if she left Iraq for medical treatment, she’d be out of a job.” (Jones was not an isolated case.) Jones was prevented from bringing charges in court against KBR because her employment contract stipulated that sexual assault/rape allegations would only be heard in private arbitration by arbitors hired by KBR itself.
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) proposed an amendment to the 2010 Defense Appropriations bill that would withhold defense contracts from companies like KBR “if they restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.”
Speaking on the Senate floor yesterday, Franken said:
The constitution gives everybody the right to due process of law … And today, defense contractors are using fine print in their contracts do deny women like Jamie Leigh Jones their day in court. … The victims of rape and discrimination deserve their day in court [and] Congress plainly has the constitutional power to make that happen.
Republicans Vote Nay:
Republicans voted unanimously against the amendment. So theGOPisDEAD thought it to be our civic duty to list the names and their vote:
It's been said many times over by the reptilian right-wing, that no one ever lost their lives because they didn't have healthcare. Well, apparently they have and there is a new website created by Rep. Alan Grayson to prove this point in dramatic fashion, and we here at theGOPisDEAD would like to show our support by sharing www.namesofthedead.com with our readers.
The Crux of the issue:
Every year, more than 44,000 Americans die simply because they have no health insurance.
I have created this project in their memory. I hope that honoring them will help us end this senseless loss of American lives. If you have lost a loved one, please share the story of that loved one with us. Help us ensure that their legacy is a more just America, where every life that can be saved will be saved.
Who is Grayson? A refresh...of who this badass is...
Rep. Alan Grayson on the Republicans' Health Care Plan
Recently, Congressman Alan Grayson summed up the Republicans' Health Care plan as:
Don't get sick
If you do get sick...
Die quickly
As Congressman Grayson explained on CNN's Situation Room, "[the Republicans] have ... no plan. It's been 24 hours since I said that. Where is the Republican plan? We're all waiting to see something that will take care of the pre-existing conditions, to take care of the 40 million Americans who have no coverage at all. That's what I meant when I said that the Republican plan is don't get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly."
Grayson is one funny mother****er. Check him out in this clip being interviewed by Bill Maher. We can't get enough of the way this guy rips Republicans a new A**! LOL
Ok, maybe that one wasn't so obvious. But theGOPisDEADthinks it's fan-f*cking-tastic. It was making us a bit sick to hear these douche-head critics lambastingObama's talk about being "a citizen of the world", as if there's an evil conspiracy to destroy the constitution and impose an Islamic rule of law worldwide. Really? F*ck off.
This is wonderful news, something ALL Americans should be deeply proud of. It demonstrates that in an age where isolationism is no longer a viable option, it pays to play nice with your neighbors. On the other hand, we're curious if this may have any consequences on future military options in Afghanistan. Probably not, but we're betting it's a bit of a douche move to accept the NPP (yeah, we did that) and then launch a bunch of hellfire missiles over yonder. Then again, nobody likes the Taliban so to Hell with them. Let's see how this one plays out...
Ah, there's my brain... right inside my skull where I left it. In a ploy to use the word "douche" just a few more times in this post, let's go over the Stupid Checklist..
Public park or playground? check. Small children under the age of 5? check. No threats of any kind other than skinned knees? check. Douchebag "patriots" poorly making a point? check. "Accidental" gun violence at home leaving child parent-less? oh hell yes, check.
It's not "people kill people"... it's a false argument, a sham, a fraud, a horrible, pathetic, inexcusable justification for what...? What is wrong with these people? Why are they so afraid of not being able to carry a lethal weapon around with them in public that they go to extremes under the guise of personal liberties? And while we're at it, hey Ted Nugent.. F*CK YOU TOO.
Ignorant *ssholes like that douche came out right after the Virgina Tech killings to exclaim that if more people had been armed, the tragedy would never have happened. But this kind of logic has too many holes in it, and ignores the most obvious point... the mere presence of such weapons can ONLY stand to increase the chances and opportunity for such violence. There is NO other acceptable way to view this. There is a reason the USA has an exponential lead in gun violence over other Western powers... guns are widely available and we have a society with some itchy trigger-fingers. Really, next time you need to bring a weapon to a kid's soccer match, make it a knife. It's so much more personal, watching the eyes of your victim slowly close as they bleed out. Shhhh... shhh..... it's almost over.....
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David Waters, in the Washington Post's On Faith column, has quite the gem to digest. A group associated with Jerry Falwell's Liberty University is asking it's supports to "Adopt a Liberal". And who would that be, exactly? No worries, they have a list! And that list, of course, includes anyone in power they just don't agree with. Obama, Pelosi, Clinton...you get the idea. Hell, even Arnold Schwarzenegger made the top-10. Nice. Go figure that one out.
And how does one qualify to have the blessed pray for them? Oh, they've got standards...
"President Obama has assembled what is arguably the most radically liberal administration in American history. His policy initiatives have favored socialism, the homosexual agenda, and the funding of infant genocide around the world. He has denied America's Christian heritage but has openly praised Islam for its contributions to America and the world. He calls himself a 'citizen of the world,' a term that reflects his support of a 'one world government.'"
This, of course, comes on the heels of this past weekend's Hate Festival...
On Sunday, former Mike Huckabee adviser Rick Scarbrough, self-described "Christocrat" and author of the book "Liberalism Kills Kids," accused Obama of staffing his administration with "well-financed, well-heeled, and highly-staffed professional infidels who have dedicated their life" to destroying America.
Here's an idea. Instead of wasting all our time with this hypocritical, hateful crap, how 'bout we cut to the chase and you guys just go straight to Hell? Sound good? Sure does to us.
My favorite part about this article, however, is Water's little bit of word trivia:
(Semantic aside: Ironically, "liberty" and "liberal" share the same Latin root, liber, an adjective meaning free.)
Representative Alan Grayson of Florida, has come under fire from Republicans for suggesting on the House floor Tuesday night that"Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick,"said in an interview with CBSNews.com Wednesday that the response to his comments has been "overwhelmingly positive."
Republicans call for Rep. Alan Grayson to apologize for his comments, to which Grayson responded with justified defiance on the House floor Wednesday afternoon, offering an apology not to Republicans but "to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America," a reference to Congress' inability to pass a health care reform bill.
Rep. Alan Grayson discussed the below study, which shows that 44,000 people in America die every year due to a lack of health care insurance.
For this we salute you Rep. Grayson and give a big whopping FU, LMAO, ROFL, SUCKit to the GOP!!
The United States stands alone among industrialized nations in not providing health coverage to all of its citizens. Currently, 46 million Americans lack health coverage.1 Despite repeated attempts to expand health insurance, uninsurance remains commonplace among US adults.
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and I'm taking time to step away from calling out douchebags. It's been a while since we've had some tunes to share so let's open the video vault. Today, we go back to the modern electronica section which no doubt has it's share of elaborate psychedelia to ponder. But here's one that might be a bit more thought-provoking. The video features gangs of black and Arab youth creating havoc as the roam the city suburbs. Clearly, anyone watching this would be shocked and appalled by the violence that follows. But what's interesting is that scores of people believed that this footage was, in fact, real. Could it be b/c we are more prone to believe that this kind of behavior is not uncommon amongst the most marginalized of our society? Would we jump to the same conclusions if these were middle-class white teens? There's no apologies or excuses being made here for this kind of behavior. But what do you think about what you are seeing here....? Tell us.
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We don't subscribe to MSNBC, but goddamn this is funny!! Since our hatred of Glenny Beck is far worse than our disdain for mainstream media we thought it would be okay to support this little piece of conferring glory.
One last thought...F*** YOU Glenn Beck and the crazy ship you floated in on. :) This one is for you. Too funny.
Okay so Tom Delay isn't a woman per say, but the video of him rehearsing for "Dancing With the Stars" does suggest he doesn't have a penis to speak of. His drawers are hiked up so rediculously high, his camel-toe is on display for all to — well, you know — throw up to.
Watching Tom Delay — the money laundering, birther, oddly not currently imprisoned former House majority leader — shaking his stiff GOP hips in high heels only leaves us here at theGOPisDEAD laughing hysterically as we know you will in this clip.
So many @ssholes could have won this prestigious honor this week. Really, it would have been like fishing with dynamite. But after reading Rep. Sessions' seemingly innocuous reaction to Nancy Pelosi's genuinely emotional accounting of the Teaballbaggers and like-minded ilk in the news these days, theGOPisDEAD nearly had blood shooting out of our nostrils.
On Thursday, Pelosi was asked a question by the press regarding her take on the anti-Obama sentiment degrading our country. Her initial response was rather neutral, more or less stating that all people have the right to express themselves. Yeah! Go America!
Then the Speaker became visibly emotional as she began to recall her youth:
"I have concerns about some of the language that is being used, because I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric was very frightening, and it created a climate in which violence took place."
and warning...
[sometimes the] "ears that it is falling on are not as balanced as the person making the statement."
Gosh darn if we didn't feel the same way and make that point ourselves recently. So then, what did Rep. Sessions have to say about this?:
"The speaker is now likening genuine opposition to assassination," said Rep. Pete Sessions (Tex.), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. "Such insulting rhetoric not only undermines the credibility of her office, but it underscores the desperate attempt by her party to divert attention away from a failing agenda."
Let's just f*cking stop it for one second. Did Pelosi actually liken these protesters to potential assassins? Was it implicit in her candor? No. What she did was recall how the increasingly HATEFUL rhetoric being spewed out from the freak factory these days reminds her emotionally of the HATEFUL discourse of her home in the late '70s. What resulted was the death of two prominent gay leaders in the city. Clearly, that time had an impact on Pelosi, something she feels to this day. Her concern as of now, however, is NOT to casually insult the dissenting voices, but to try to calm them, form some reason out of their illogical banter, and cool everyone off just a bit.
It's members of the GOP that no doubt are responsible for adding fuel to the nutball fire. But what happens if or when this gets way out of control? Sessions demonstrates a complete lack of responsibility here, instead choosing to accuse Pelosi of trying to divert attention away from a "failed agenda". F.U., Sessions. Let's not even go into what a "failed agenda" really looks like b/c you and your kind should be well-familiar with that by now. But if anyone's taking it too far here, it's you.
Pelosi took care to say that she does not think the debate has crossed into dangerous territory. "Our country is great because people can say what they think and they believe. But I also think that they have to take responsibility for any incitement that they may cause," she said.
And Sessions' reply?
"The speaker's verbal assault on voters accomplishes nothing other than furthering her reputation for being wildly out of touch with the American people."
This is a continuum of last month's fake controversy when the GOP heaped scorn upon Pelosi for stating that some of the town hall protesters were carrying "swastikas and symbols like that". These idiots then attempted to exclaim the Speaker was likening opposition to Nazis.
Are you F*CKING serious?! These idiots ARE carrying signs with swastikas! They're carrying signs likening Obama to Hitler. The Speaker is pointing out FACT. Cold, frightening FACT and that's what's got her shaken up. But these douchebags have nothing better to do than feed the frenzy and spit on the victims.
This gets us to the heart of the matter. Should we, like Pelosi, be honestly concerned for what's happening in this country with regards to the tone and language being used by those who dissent? I'm not talking about whether or not you agree with the dissenting opinion. For the most part, theGOPisDEAD thinks it utter bullsh*t. But there is a growing and very uncomfortable vibe in their 'message' and it would seem that calling it out is not only important but necessary. Calling for the death of the President, that borders on TREASON. "Exercising your 2nd-Amendment rights" by bringing ground-assault rifles to public gatherings, well... those aren't f*cking sock puppets. Someone's going to get hurt. But our representatives DO have a responsibility to cool heads when the signs point to something sinister in the air. Instead, idiots like Sessions choose to fan the flames. And for that, you, Mr. Sessions, are our Douchebag Of The Week.
By now you all know the story about the "Pimp & Prostitute" who sought advice from ACORN on how to obtain government funding to set up a brothel, harbor under-aged children, and become involved in human-trafficking. A troubling and vile outcome to a rather slick, but not so complex investigative piece. Great work to the team who exposed this story.
Of course though, the "pimp & prostitute" were none other than two undercover right-wing reporters who have since released 4 videos capturing ACORN fraud, corruption, and malfeasance. Before we continue, let's get one thing straight - theGOPisDEADdoes not condone by any stretch of the imagination the actions of the aforementioned ACORN workers. Those dumb-asses ought to have been fired. However, we would like to make certain observations...and expose these two reporters for just a moment.
The Pimp:
James O'Keefe served as Publications Coordinator at the Leadership Institute (a hardcore right-wing recruiting station), where he helped initiate 22 independent newspapers and magazines across college campuses nationwide. Boasting the conversion of progressive ideology and left-wing advocates into the next leaders of the conservative movement, O'Keefe is working hard to grow his homogeneous army of right-wing thinkers.
O'Keefe has given lectures on campus strategy and fundraising, preaching the gospel of Saul Alinsky. This is an important fact. Who is Alinsky you might ask? As a well-known community organizer and writer, Alinsky spent four decades organizing the poor for radical social action. In particular he fought hard to improve conditions of African-American ghettos which became a rather passionate issue after suffering the hardships of antisemitism throughout most of his life. The important thing to note is that O'Keefe used Alinsky's own philosophy against what he stood for.
The Prostitute:
"20-year-old Hannah Giles is a college student who became interested in exposing social injustice and the abuses of power when she attended her first conference in Washington, DC in 2007."
She is an aspiring journalist whose father is none other than conservative douchebag columnist Doug Giles. Wow, daddy has connections...surprise, surprise.
Okay. That's a little background on our two dodgy little investigative reporters.
ModusOperandi: An observation: So we have two f***ing privileged, hardcore, right-wing zealots, in the form of lily-white bread crackers like O'Keefe and Giles going into poor neighborhoods posing as a pimp and a prostitute to blow the lid off of unethical behavior? Well goddamn, you did it. Wow. Powerful reporting indeed. You rats. You're both so ingenious, so cool, so crafty.
Can anyone else smell the stench from these two f***ing albino rats? We here at theGOPisDEAD come from impoverished, derelict, and well honestly ignorant fauna just like the poor bastards at ACORN who didn't have one whole brain between them in all the videos put together. They didn't know their asses from a hole in the ground. H.R.? ACORN needs to clean f***ing house or shut the doors. We digress.
Point is, the sole motivation of these two rats was to bring down ACORN and more importantly shut down any debate on healthcare reform or progressive agendas. This sh** is so transparent that if you don't understand just how insidious their little stunt is, and how sick the motivation is behind their agenda...well then...put down the crack pipe and open your eyes cuz I'm about to bitch slap you. We won't even get into the ethics of this new agenda driven journalism. No code.
Giles who is interested in "exposing social injustice and the abuses of power" finds herself in the ghettos of America posing as a prostitute to expose injustice. Whah?
I'll say it again. Two white-bread, prim-rose crackers went to the ghetto to expose injustice and power abuse, using the faces of unsuspecting black Americans. It's enough to make you insane.
This was an ambush. But alas, justice was served up...and the poor reTARDS from ACORN were fired and sent back to their slums to think about what they did. The little rich white kids took their video tapes back to daddy and his friends to break the story.
The ACORN workers had no way to abuse power, because they didn't have any f***ing power. The only injustice is the nasty way this was done to people that just didn't know any better. Let's forget about the root of the problem and how life works against black America, disproportionately imprisoning black men, discounting young black kids in inner city schools, and in general leaving an entire culture of people to rot in an American wasteland. Meanwhile the white devil looms in the form of O'Keefe and Giles exposing a sick irony.
O'Keefe and Giles must be so full of themselves, so proud of what they have done. They must be shining stars back at Disney World.
For what you might ask?
To reach with their long arm of privilege, education, and white bigotry down deep into the throats of the poor - the powerless - and the under-privileged to yank out their collective guts with no remorse whatsoever, for the sole purpose of eradicating what they fear most - AN INTELLIGENT AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT wanting to help those that cannot help themselves.
When someone starts a blog, the intent is to present information others may find intriguing, relevant, frustrating, informative, or down right cool enough to keep your collective asses engaged.
We here at theGOPisDEAD started this particular amalgamation to prove the "Grand Old Party" with "OLD" as F*** being the optimal word here is kaput, over, done, fried, crispy, and a vacant shell of a party not worthy of recognition. We find their ideas stagnate, tired, backwards, boorish, mean, and down right irrelevant...and frankly a little re'TARD.