Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Study Shows Palin Followers Are At Least Smart As Clams

Sure you can find an idiot in every bunch, and we at theGOPisDEAD are not biased enough (yeah right) to know that goes for both sides of the political spectrum. Hell we here at theGOPisDEAD aren't that friggin bright. But, you do have to admit the reptilian far right has a special breed of stupid which is highlighted in this here video.

They say, "ignorance is bliss," yet fail to mention that the rest of us suffer the consequences of unrelenting stupidity. The rest of us have to walk among these lizard like creatures, that are dumb as a pile of f*cking rocks. And with 300+ million Americans roaming the streets that's a lot of rock. A Palin book signing is like a rock quarry Fred Flintstone himself would be proud of. In fact: Barney Rubble actually makes an appearance in support of Palin's new book. He's also a Steelers fan...who knew?

Yep, one thing is for sure about Palin, that woman can draw out the celebrities! So who else decides to show up for the Palin book signing? None other than SHREK himself (see 18 secs in)! Which apparently - and we are pissed as hell that no one told us - got a sex change?

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