David Waters, in the Washington Post's On Faith column, has quite the gem to digest. A group associated with Jerry Falwell's Liberty University is asking it's supports to "Adopt a Liberal". And who would that be, exactly? No worries, they have a list! And that list, of course, includes anyone in power they just don't agree with. Obama, Pelosi, Clinton...you get the idea. Hell, even Arnold Schwarzenegger made the top-10. Nice. Go figure that one out.
And how does one qualify to have the blessed pray for them? Oh, they've got standards...
"President Obama has assembled what is arguably the most radically liberal administration in American history. His policy initiatives have favored socialism, the homosexual agenda, and the funding of infant genocide around the world. He has denied America's Christian heritage but has openly praised Islam for its contributions to America and the world. He calls himself a 'citizen of the world,' a term that reflects his support of a 'one world government.'"
This, of course, comes on the heels of this past weekend's Hate Festival...
On Sunday, former Mike Huckabee adviser Rick Scarbrough, self-described "Christocrat" and author of the book "Liberalism Kills Kids," accused Obama of staffing his administration with "well-financed, well-heeled, and highly-staffed professional infidels who have dedicated their life" to destroying America.
Here's an idea. Instead of wasting all our time with this hypocritical, hateful crap, how 'bout we cut to the chase and you guys just go straight to Hell? Sound good? Sure does to us.
My favorite part about this article, however, is Water's little bit of word trivia:
(Semantic aside: Ironically, "liberty" and "liberal" share the same Latin root, liber, an adjective meaning free.)
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