It's been said many times over by the reptilian right-wing, that no one ever lost their lives because they didn't have healthcare. Well, apparently they have and there is a new website created by Rep. Alan Grayson to prove this point in dramatic fashion, and we here at theGOPisDEAD would like to show our support by sharing www.namesofthedead.com with our readers.
The Crux of the issue:
Every year, more than 44,000 Americans die simply because they have no health insurance.
I have created this project in their memory. I hope that honoring them will help us end this senseless loss of American lives. If you have lost a loved one, please share the story of that loved one with us. Help us ensure that their legacy is a more just America, where every life that can be saved will be saved.
Who is Grayson? A refresh...of who this badass is...
Rep. Alan Grayson on the Republicans' Health Care Plan
Recently, Congressman Alan Grayson summed up the Republicans' Health Care plan as:
- Don't get sick
- If you do get sick...
- Die quickly
As Congressman Grayson explained on CNN's Situation Room, "[the Republicans] have ... no plan. It's been 24 hours since I said that. Where is the Republican plan? We're all waiting to see something that will take care of the pre-existing conditions, to take care of the 40 million Americans who have no coverage at all. That's what I meant when I said that the Republican plan is don't get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly."
Grayson is one funny mother****er. Check him out in this clip being interviewed by Bill Maher. We can't get enough of the way this guy rips Republicans a new A**! LOLSphere: Related Content