With President Obama inviting Republicans to a televised summit on health care, many GOP leaders have been reluctant to attend, thinking it's an elaborate trap. This logic didn't sit well with Jon Stewart... or Admiral Ackbar.
Stewart jokingly agreed with the Republican sentiment, explaining that having a televised, bipartisan conversation on health care is so reasonable that it's actually an ingenious trap.
Minority Leader John Boehner expressed concern, worried about having to "walk into some setup... who knows what." To this Stewart responded: "It's a public dialogue about important legislation. Not Little Big Horn."
Stewart then called Boehner's bluff:
"The only way this health care meeting is a trap is if Boehner's got nothing. It's like a paper bag is only a trap if you can't punch your way out of it."
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Apparent Trap | ||||

Here's the real trap. The fact that the American public is so fucking brain dead, and ADHD ridden, theGOPisDEAD can feel that proverbial pendulum swinging back towards us as we speak. After one brief year of heading in whatever direction we're heading in, John Q. Public is all but ready to turn in the new Chevette for the same crapp-ass Gremlin, they traded the piece of shit in for, in the first place!! Now we're not smart enough to know what the fuck the leader of the free world ought to be doing right now to bring back jobs, kill two wars, fix a wrecked economy, fix healthcare, feed the monkey, suck what teet, or whatever. But we do know that AmeriTARDATION is settling in once again.
AND YES YOU MOTHERF*****S GOT US INTO THIS...So don't pull that don't blame the GOP shit with us.
Yep, the real trap as we see it stems from this constant that is the American political oligarchy that is so deep seeded and insidious, we may never see the light of day in terms of having true power over our own destiny. Any form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; is destined at a bare minimum for injustice, inequity, class warfare, and a sense of powerlessness by its citizenry. Which has been the spawn of such
"radicals" in their own minds, like the OLD FAT PISSED OFF WHITE-PEOPLEs CLUB A.K.A. the TEABAGGERS, which has now been appropriately absorbed by none other than the Republican machine...oh...and dumbass. You know, the Wasilla Thrilla.
When you give thought to how young our Republic is, it's truly possible some form of collapse, or much needed rebirth out of necessity will come to pass in our lifetime. There is NO empowerment in our structure of elite corporatism that frankly runs the show like fucking The Wizard of Oz. Every snake has to shed it's skin.
BUT, like a flock of lysergic dosed sheep, or transfixed geese in the k-hole; coordinated, composed, and comprised mostly of homogeneous stick-to-it-ivness, the American public is at it's old self again sooner than expected ready to go RIGHT THE FUCK BACK from which they came.
They are ready to put in the same nasty-hater-reptile-racist-backwards-war mongering-repressed-bible thumpin-party of NO, back in office for round fucking two. Because we just didn't get enough...the last time...or the last...or the last time...
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