why aren't you dead yet?
complements of Ron Wharton | artist out of san diego, ca
Biden and Chaney duke it out in a war of words...this week.
The only thing the two of them seemed to agree about was sending a lot more soldiers over to Afghanistan to get killed or blown up. Cheney, famous lover of any war he doesn't have to fight, said he was a "complete supporter" of the escalation of the conflict there.
So, he and Joe Biden gave us more conflict Sunday, the kind television is addicted to by now like a narcotic. We hear constantly about the "mainstream media" in this country, whether it is left or right or red or blue. You know what the mainstream media really is? It is days like yesterday.
It is two old white guys like this giving you more of the white noise of American politics.
The United States of America's state legislators add up to a bunch of old, tired, rich, lily white motherfuckers that have been running their dirty pool for far too long. Below is a break down of just who represents a constituency of the most diverse society on the planet. And is as homogeneous as slices of stale fucking cheese pizza left out for a few days; you know, the shit with that green film around the edge...
...you're drunk...it's late...you're hungry...but you eat it anyway.
The Breakdown
Age: 48% 50-64; 24% 65+; 25% 35-49
Gender: 76% male
Race: 89% white
Source: http://www.ncsl.org/?tabid=
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