Monday, February 22, 2010

Son, your answers are so old, I have forgotten the questions.

Two very nice pieces today on some of the hot air coming out of CrapPac. We'd like to simply refer you to both articles as they are a lot more cohesive than the blistering anger rants we tend to favor.

In the first, The Root's
It may not be Beck's job to think policy--or even tell the truth. But with his help, the Republican Party (not officially affiliated with CPAC) seems to encourage and exploit the diminishing national attention span-producing not just Beck, but junior flacks like Jason Mattera, climate change-denying lobbyists turned "analysts" and so-called "journalists" who practice no such thing. It also forces mild-mannered moderates like Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty to pander openly via misogynistic jokes about Tiger Woods' wife. And it degrades everyone's understanding of what on earth is going on in America.

So Ron Paul comes out of the convention as the straw poll winner, to the boos of many in attendance. That's gold, baby. And speaking of which, David Frum has a nice think piece on why Paul and his idiot cronies also have serious amnesia and an aversion to historical facts behind one of his tenants -- a return to the gold standard. It's worth the read, even if you aren't well versed in economic theory.
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