Let's just get right to it -- Michaeal "Go Fuck Yourself Lower 9th Ward, New Orleans" Brown, former FEMA chief and a reptile so in need of a colon cleanse that Bush II had to remove the crony bastard from office a la the Hurricane Katrina debacle, has the gall... no.. the nerve... no...the balls... no...the extreme fucking mental retardation to go on national TV and "slam" the Obama administration for using the current oil slick disaster in the Gulf as a means to curtail offshore drilling.
What a fucking tool. You sir, are a class-act GOPer fo' sure.
And what star "news" network decided to let this ass-hat spout his mouth vomit? Oh, you guessed it right...
[Shithead] told Fox News' "Your World with Neil Cavuto" that the oil slick is "exactly what they want, because now he can pander to the environmentalists and say, 'I'm going to shut it down because it's too dangerous.' While Mexico and China and everybody else drills in the Gulf, we're going to get shut down."
His reasoning behind his mastermind theory? A 2008 interview Obama gave where he described wanting to create strong cap-and-trade regulations. Mmmhmmm...
So, let's just gloss over the last 2+ years of Obama interviews, speeches, and policies, shall we? Yeah, he wants to invest heavily in sustainable energy infrastructure. No doubt. But as recently as LAST MONTH, Obama proposed opening up vast areas to off-shore drilling... something that has utterly angered environmentalists. Perhaps this is the pragmatic side of Obama, realizing there's no one simple solution. But c'mon... the guy is going to just put policies in motion only to rig an oil well to explode so he has a reason to back out?
Thankfully Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary, called out Fox on this stupidity...
"You should call headquarters, my friend," Gibbs said. "Ask for somebody who makes the decisions to put people like that -- because I've got to tell you, Wendell, I'm not entirely sure that a factual answer that I might give to any one of your questions is going to change the notion that your network put out the former FEMA director to make an accusation that the well had been purposely set off in order to change an offshore drilling decision."
Yeah, heckuva job there, Brownie. Heckuva job. Sphere: Related Content