I dance with glee to the tune of white picket fences, 2 beautiful toe-headed children in private school, a wife that cooks and cleans my cyan bungalow with black shutters; filled with antiquities. My spic-n-span royal blue Volvo station-wagon glistens in the port. Our sweet Golden-doodle waits at the gate everyday, as I return home to my loving abode. Yes, I am a "family man, with a family plan." And like Norman Rockwell's Daughter Welcoming Father Home illustration I leave the day behind and place a gentle peck on my wife's cheek, and ask, "what's for din-din honey," I'm starving.
I've spent my life and built a career fighting the good fight, protecting the vulnerable from the evil world. A world where monsters prey on our family values, and erode the very fiber of society; wreaking havoc on the foundation of our christian virtues.
GOD is a good god, and will punish those enslaved in the decay that is homosexuality, infidelity, and lust. I will be his soldier and go out into the world to mission for his cause. I will strike fear into the hearts of the sinners with my holy words and condemn them ALL to hell!! This is my promise to the upright citizens of GOD that I carry the sword of truth, and will strike thee with vengeance from my pious pulpit, slashing with the blade of glory...and slay thy GAY!
Then I go to the east-side to get my dick sucked by brad. That's how I roll bitches. ;)

The self-loathing, hate monger, and anti-gay rights activist who recently toured Europe with a male escort has resigned from a group that promotes counseling for people who "struggle with unwanted homosexuality," though the man insists that he is not gay.George Rekers resigned from the board of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, the group's website said Tuesday.
"I am immediately resigning my membership in NARTH to allow myself the time necessary to fight the false media reports that have been made against me," Rekers said in a statement posted on the group's website. "With the assistance of a defamation attorney, I will fight these false reports because I have not engaged in any homosexual behavior whatsoever.
"I am not gay and never have been," the statement said.
Yep, theGOPisDEAD is always happy to shed light on yet another fucking bigoted reptile spouting their family values bullshit, then getting caught sucking off the bell-end. Rekers is just another example of what hardcore right-wing repression can do to the soul...trapping it in the purgatory of a life lived in the shame of ignorance.
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