The best thing the Republican Party can say about this week is, it's nearly over.
First came news that the Republican National Committee paid $1,946 for a gathering at a sex-themed Hollywood club, which a group of young Republicans had visited without RNC approval. The money is to be paid back.
Now it turns out the RNC inadvertently listed a phone-sex number on a fund-raising letter sent to potential donors. People who tried to call the committee were instead offered "live, one-on-one talk with a nasty girl" for $2.99 a minute.

I know...right?! This shit sounds made up...even theGOPisDEAD couldn't have devised a better week for these fear mongering fucktards. But that's the thing about karma, [if you believe] it is a bitch. We're more of the what-comes-around-goes around-motherfucker type...and this week has been intoxicating watching the pejorative fallout as the family values party puts ten coats of paint on those white picket fences of theirs. No amount of latex in the world can cover up the rotting wood underneath. Sphere: Related Content