"There were any number of aspects to that conflict between the states. Obviously, it involved slavery. It involved other issues. But I focused on the ones I thought were most significant for Virginia."
"The failure to include any reference to slavery was a mistake, and for that I apologize to any fellow Virginian who has been offended or disappointed," McDonnell said in a written statement.
When will white middle aged men in this country stop trying to bring honor to an American holocaust? It will probably happen the moment that racism ends in this country...FUCKING NEVER. They show obtuse contempt toward the descendants of slavery because they cannot forget. The irony of McDonnell forgetting to mention slavery in the same breath as the civil war is repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome: and an abominable slight to say the least. So they want America to see their freak southern flag fly with pride, yet want those who lost entire generations of family to pure evil to just fade away in their memory's past. To even warrant that request ought to come with consequences...like a good ol' house burning, or noose around the neck while dangling from a local oak tree on the courthouse lawn.It's sort of like the Catholic church who is currently demonizing the media for uncovering insurmountable evidence that its clergy has been sexually abusing children for decades if not longer.
The disgusting outrage they display because of being caught is a mind-fuck indeed. But don't let these creeps fool you, because they know what they are doing. Manipulating the public psyche; like one of their rape victims, who they believe deserves it. They fucking rape the mind again, and again, and again, until the victim denotes regret for causing the abusers so much pain, "I'm sorry I made you rape me."
theGOPisDEAD would like to tell McDonnell to fuck off in person, but I'm sure we'll never get that chance, like the millions of people who shed blood for his short memory.
So we give a big FUCK YOU to McDonnell...and that's from the heart. Sphere: Related Content