FEC report details lavish Republican spending, including nearly $2,000 at Voyeur West Hollywood
Fiscal responsibility never felt so good. Especially in our laps. The Republican National Committee gave nearly $2,000 to a Southern California GOP contributor for meal expenses at Voyeur West Hollywood, a lesbian-themed California nightclub that features topless dancers wearing horse-bits and other bondage gear, according to newly filed disclosure records. Now we don't know about you, but that's one tasty meal.
"We think their extravagant spending and their high burn rate speaks for itself," said Woodhouse. "If limos, chartered aircraft and sex clubs are where they think their donors' money should be spent, who are we to judge? But it shouldn't give voters much confidence in Republicans when they say they want to be put back in charge of federal spending."
Rep. Eric Cantor, the number two Republican in the House of Representatives, said Thursday that a bullet had been shot through a window at his district office in Richmond, Virginia. He also said he had received threatening messages.
He said he would not publicly release the messages out of concern that doing so would only incite further violence.
He also accused Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine and Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland - a member of the Democratic House leadership - of "fanning the flames" of violence by using threats that have been made against Democratic members "as political weapons."
"Enough is enough," Cantor said. "It has to stop."
So enough is enough...is it? To theGOPisDEAD this sounds a little deja vu does it not? Let's review with a little video we like to call: whoops, WTF have i done, featuring John McCain's runaway train and his attempt to put on the breaks in the lead up to the last election:
For over a decade, theGOPisDEAD has been witnessing Republicans that consistently incite violence, then obtusely attempt to rescind and rebuke the intended outcome, as if they are completely shocked and taken by surprise? It's like, they're having an out-of-body experience.
But, what we are experiencing here ladies and gentlemen is a Helter Skelter moment indeed. And as a writer for this blog, I have to say that I am sitting here sweating bullets because I cannot get my words onto the screen quick enough. I am being flooded with the adrenalin of OMFG...are you kidding me?!
The Republican party and their base have lost it completely. They are displaying the paranoia of a person suffering with schizophrenia. They are boiling over with anger like molten metal spewing out of a reservoir, and have been whipped into a frenzy by the likes of their Congressman, Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, and a host of violence inciting megalomaniacs.
"The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history." [Bertrand Russell] Helter Skelter...
Not unlike Charles Manson who considered the Beatles music to be prophetic messages about an apocalyptic race war, in which his followers the Familywould not only survive, but precipitate.
Manson ordered the murders, to trigger a race war directly, and in his own mind was the puppet master behind the slaughter that took place. The case became one of America's most highly publicized murder trials of its time.
At the risk of sounding completely insane ourselves, we see striking similarities between the family, the teabaggers, and the Republican redneck, Budweiser swilling base that is taking up arms in the name of FREEDOM from Tyranny.
The parallels we have drawn from the Manson case are the means at which victory against a system, or in this case a demonized government to which Republicans claim "All Americans" are diametrically opposed. They have declared war on the left-winged "socialist" Obama administration using "ALL" as if it were inherently inclusive. Your name, my name, and anyone you know has been claimed as property of their exclusive philosophy. Welcome my friends, to the family.
Having "ALL Americans" in your corner is a potent ally that cannot be discounted, or ignored, so it is repeated over and over again ad nauseam by the Republican base, the teabaggers, and Lawmakers that we are ALL in this together. We have come to fight the machine!Don't tread on me, and the rest of that lame-ass patriotism bullshit.
In the end Manson wipes his hands clean of all violence that occurred, and rebuked the crime as if it were outside of his own body. Like the Republicans, Manson sees himself as the prophet and savior of "ALL PEOPLES" inciting violence, and vehemently expressed deep and profound surprise at the outcome. Like a fucking mind warp people believed in his calling, cutting crosses in their heads, and were led astray. He didn't have to lay a hand on anyone, and absolved himself of any violence. Sound familiar?
Holy shit. [cracks a smile] I'm practically giddy over how crazy I sound now. :) His "very name ... a metaphor for evil". While Republicans may not be evil on a Manson sliding scale, however to incite violence then not take responsibility of the outcome, is at least fucking disturbed.
So Republicans here you are...getting a bullet in your window. The look on your stunned face, is blowback. Get used to it...because this is your HELTER SKELTER moment.
For most of yesterday, theGOPisDead was brimming with a sense of positivity and hope for and about America that hadn't been felt since pre-9/11. As much as the myth of big government can seem utterly dysfunctional, the leaders on the left again stood on the moral high ground and significantly closed the gap between us and the rest of the Western world. No more do we have to listen to GOP liars and schmucks who stand on the floor of the House and either ignorantly or maliciously expound on how we are trying to destroy "the greatest health care system in the world." You fools are now forever on the wrong side of history. Go eat a shit pie.
Our glee has nothing to do with a vindication of Obama and the democrats. Hell, I'm a registered Independent. But given the choice between good and evil, well, you're a fucking tool if you can't figure that one out. That said, Maureen Dowd (of all people) got it right when she wrote, "...the lofty president and the wily speaker suddenly steered [the Dems] off Jimmy Carter Highway and onto F.D.R. Drive." For all the talk of socialist propaganda and the destruction of America, it took a black man with a keen sense and respect of American history to take cues from some of the greatest presidents this country has had (and no, that does not include Reagan), learn from their mistakes, and put things right in their honor. We are truly impressed and for once, feel blessed.
Unfortunately, the last 9 years of GOP scumbagary has also negatively affected our brain patterns to the point that pleasure is no longer self-sustaining. So the thoughts that these ass-clowns are now going to run on promises of destroying the health care bill is enough to make us want to scratch our eyes out. It's not that we take that promise seriously. It's a sham offering, one that will never happen. It's more like watching King Kong (sans the sensitivity and hot chick) get riddled with bullets at the top of the skyscraper. You feel bad that a living creature is being hurt though you know that even in death, this fucker is going to flatten some people when it falls to the Earth.
Newt Gingerich theorized that this would “[destroy] their party much as Lyndon Johnson shattered the Democratic Party for 40 years” by passing civil rights legislation. That's the kind of delusional, anti-Americanism we're talking about. We still have a party that measures success by how much they can limit freedom, while at the same breath packaging it as salvaging those same rights. I have a dollar bill for you to earn, I just need four quarters.
Worse, it shows that the GOP hasn't grown up in over 40 years. They may not have turned on the fire hoses against blacks this time, but their most ardent followers spit on them, called our gay leaders 'fags', and all while giving implied support for such behavior. Shouts of 'baby killer' and 'You lie!' on the floor of the House... there hasn't been this much vile behavior since the Civil War. One almost feels like another one was brewing for some time. So we're keeping one eye open at all times in the back of our head as we move forward and beyond this sleaze.
The only thing we want to know is why the hell did it take this long for someone like Bob Herbert to come out and write such a perfect, blistering denunciation of the GOP and the Tea Bag Party? Herbert writes:
It is 2010, which means it is way past time for decent Americans to rise up against this kind of garbage, to fight it aggressively wherever it appears. And it is time for every American of good will to hold the Republican Party accountable for its role in tolerating, shielding and encouraging foul, mean-spirited and bigoted behavior in its ranks and among its strongest supporters.
It's clear at least one piece of GOP has been woken up by a mighty bitch-slap of reality. GOP speechwriter David Frum compares the "just say NO" strategy to the end of the Napoleonic era:
We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat.
Nor did it take long for these fucknuts to question their own voting tactics. Via the Boston Herald:
“If he were a milk carton, he would be expired,” said Massachusetts Democratic Party chairman John Walsh.
Brown’s backers from the insurgent Tea Party movement want to know if they’ve been had.
Been had? No. The arc of history bends towards justice, peace, and inclusion. There are setbacks along the way but until the GOP decides once and for all to stand on the right side of history, not just the right side of the aisle, they will forever be losers. Their followers will forever be ignorant fools. Their principals will forever be paper lions. To them, we say, "wake up and welcome to the 21st century."
It's ironic to note, that most of you will take advantage of the new benefits you received today. The bill is now the law of the land.
I hope for everyone's sake that you conservatives continue on the path you have chosen. I hope that you continue to nurture the lowest common denominator of your constituents, where racism, bigotry, and a disdain for reason are considered values.
Your party's philosophy and platform will eventually give way to progress. Of course progressing is your idea of communism, socialism, or otherwise.
As we seek scientific progress, it indelibly will drive social progress, advances in technology, social organization, and the evolution of intellectual communities that will produce social equality, economic equality, and advancements in the human condition.
It's a matter of science really that your party is dying a slow death. Society cannot continue on the conservative path.
Three Democratic African-American lawmakers - including civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis of Georgia - said demonstrators against the health care bill yelled racist epithets at them as they walked past. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri said a protester spit at him. Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, an openly gay Democrat, said protesters yelled anti-gay comments at him.
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The AID Law project uses the law to protect the rights of people with HIV
An American insurance company was ordered by the court last year to pay Jerome Mitchell $10 million for “wrongly revoking his heath insurance policy”.
And this week Reuters revealed that: “Previously undisclosed records from Mitchell’s case reveal that Fortis had a company policy of targeting policyholders with HIV”.
“Mitchell not only obtained a measure of justice for himself; he also helped expose wrongdoing on the part of Fortis (now known as Assurant Health) that could have repercussions for the entire health insurance industry,” the Reuters story said.
“A computer program and algorithm targeted every policyholder recently diagnosed with HIV for an automatic fraud investigation, as the company searched for any pretext to revoke their policy.
“As was the case with Mitchell, their insurance policies often were canceled on erroneous information, the flimsiest of evidence, or for no good reason at all, according to the court documents and interviews with state and federal investigators.”
Reuters reported: “Insurance companies have long engaged in the practice of ‘rescission’, whereby they investigate policyholders shortly after they’ve been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses.
“But government regulators and investigators who have overseen the actions of Assurant and other health insurance companies say it is unprecedented for a company to single out people with HIV.
“In his previously undisclosed court ruling, the judge in the Mitchell case also criticized what he said were the company’s efforts to cover its tracks.”
It seems that Assurant Health has set a record new low with its illegal discrimination against people with HIV.
Our favorite ...GOPisDEAD granny says, "i smell another rat fink lie!." In the last Congress that Republicans controlled, from 2005 to 2006, Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier used the self-executing rule more than 35 times. Deem and pass is NOT new.
Glenn Beck's dwindling list of advertisers got a healthy boost Monday from Survival Seed Bank, a new advertiser peddling seeds to grow "crisis gardens."
Survival Seed Bank markets itself as sort of food insurance should the American government and market collapse. In the Survival Seed Bank commercial that aired Monday, a pitchman sits before a TV showing scenes of breadlines and soup kitchens from the Great Depression and asks "Are you worried about the economy? Are you ever worried that the politicians and the bankers are going to bring the whole thing crashing down? If so, pay close attention, because in an economic meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than even silver and gold. Afterall, securing a source of food for your family is the single most important thing you can do."
The Survival Seed Bank pitchman reminds viewers at the end of the commercial to "prepare today" because "in an economic crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item."
We'll let this reptile's video speak for itself. But we do wanna know, if he was high or a fucking retard not to listen to the lyrics of a few very famous songs. It took this troll decades to figure out what the songs were actually about. Shameful really. But that's what the right-wing likes to do. Make a ganged raped impoverished lesbian woman give birth to a child, then fight against entitlements, gay-marriage, and healthcare. BORN IN THE USA! OH DiDDY, I'M SO PROWD OF MAH KAWNTRY!
Former Congressman J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.) is not backing off his claim that a six-and-a-half-year-old same-sex marriage ruling in Massachusetts could conceivably pave the way for men marrying horses.
Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol’s Keep America Safe organization released a web ad on Monday targeting yet-to-be named Justice Department lawyers who had worked on Guantanamo detainee issues as the “al Qaeda 7.” “Whose values do they share?” asked the ad over an image of seven silhouettes juxtaposed with images of Arabic men. When Politico’s Ben Smith first reported on the attack ad, he noted that it “questions the loyalties of Justice Department lawyers.”
But in an interview today on the Washington Times’ “America’s Morning News” radio show, Cheney denied that the ad questioned “anybody’s loyalty”:
HOLMES: Liz, good morning. So you released a fairly provocative ad, I have to say. And you ask the question “whose values” [does] Eric Holder share? In your view, whose values does he share?
CHENEY: Well, what the ad does — and actually it doesn’t question anybody’s loyalty. What the ad does is it says that there are nine lawyers in the Justice Department who used to represent al Qaeda terrorists and the Attorney General will only tell us who two of them are and we want the American people to have the right to know who the others are.
Guest host Amy Holmes continued to press Cheney on the point, repeating her question. “But your ad does raise the question ‘whose values’ does Eric Holder share. Who would you say?” Cheney dodged the question, stating that she thinks Holder “believes that you can defeat terror, you can win this war we’re engaged in by treating terrorism like law enforcement.”
Cheney is simply lying. Not only does the ad suggest that the lawyers might “share” the “values” of al Qaeda, but it also flashes an image of a headline from the far right Investor’s Business Daily asking if the Justice Department was the “Department of Jihad?” “Just whose side are they on?” asked the editorial.
WASHINGTON (ABP) -- Jim Wallis, a politically progressive evangelical and longtime advocate for the poor, said Christians should stop watching or listening to broadcaster Glenn Beck for remarks urging people to leave churches that preach "social justice."
The Fox News personality recently warned listeners on both his daily radio and television shows that the term used by many Christian churches to describe their efforts to address poverty and human rights is a "code word" for communism and Nazism.
I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church website. If you find it, run as fast as you can," Beck said. "Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes!"
Glenn Beck described "social justice" as a "code word" and "perversion of the gospel."
Beck responded on his March 11 radio show by mocking Wallis as a "leftist," "operative for the Democratic Party" and "dedicated foe of capitalism."
Even prominent conservative pundits are speaking out, denouncing his hysterics before he sinks the entire movement.
McDonnell's move came amid widespread gay rights protests on college campuses in the week since state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II directed the state's public colleges and universities to remove references to sexual orientation from their non-discrimination policies, the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch reported. The Republican attorney general says only the General Assembly can extend to gays legal protection against non-discrimination.
As pure speculation and on behalf of theGOPisDEAD, we bet with hair that purdy and well kempt McDonnell will indeed come out of the closet soon. There is rumor he was caught with a DVD of "The Wizard of the Oz" in 3D, several tracks of Judy Garland singing, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," as well as a cassette tape of Paul Jabara and Paul Shaffer's 1979 "It's Raining Men" remix stashed in a black plastic bag.
Stay tuned...as more GOP leaders wrestle with the demons of hatred, homophobia, hypocrisy, and summon their inner RuPaul.
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Roy Ashburn, the conservative California state senator who was arrested last week for drunk driving after reportedly leaving a gay bar, has acknowledged that he is gay.
Ashburn, a divorced father of four, has repeatedly voted in opposition to gay rights, and in 2005 hosted a rally in favor of "traditional marriage." He has voted against expanding anti-discrimination laws to include sexual orientation, recognizing out-of-state gay marriages and establishing a day honoring gay lawmaker Harvey Milk.
Patrick Kennedy slams media for covering Massa while avoiding Afghan war By Bob Cusack - 03/10/10 03:27 PM ET
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) slammed the media on the House floor Wednesday for covering the Eric Massa scandal non-stop while not paying attention to a resolution calling for U.S. troops to be pulled out of Afghanistan.
In a fiery speech, Kennedy said, "If anyone wants to know where cynicism is, that there's one, two press people in this gallery."
He added, "We're talking about Eric Massa 24/7 on the TV. We're talking about war and peace, $3 billion and a thousand lives and no press? No press?!"
Kennedy spoke out in favor of Rep. Dennis Kucinich's (D-Ohio) resolution to pull out troops out of Afghanistan this year.
Refusing to explain his obstruction of unemployment benefits, Bunning shoots reporter the middle finger.
Since last week, Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) has been obstructing legislation to extend unemployment benefits, telling Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) “tough sh*t” when Merkley pleaded with Bunning to drop the hold on the Senate floor. Bunning blocked the measure because of “a dispute over how [the bill] should be funded,” leaving 400,000 Americans in limbo after the benefits expired at midnight on Sunday. Today, an “angry” Bunning refused to answer questions about his hold, running away from an ABC reporter and taking refuge in a senator’s only elevator. Shouting “Excuse me!,” Bunning would not say whether he was concerned about people losing their benefits.
Off camera, when ABC producer Z. Byron Wolf tried to engage Bunning, he said, “I’m not talking to anybody” and gave Wolf the middle finger.
For all of you redneck, broke-ass, trailer park dwellers who lost your benefits...and have the ol' ball-n-chain standing at the WIC office, we sure hope you keep supporting these nasty-no-good-for-nuthin' rat fink Republicans...cuz brutha they have your best interest in mind.
When someone starts a blog, the intent is to present information others may find intriguing, relevant, frustrating, informative, or down right cool enough to keep your collective asses engaged.
We here at theGOPisDEAD started this particular amalgamation to prove the "Grand Old Party" with "OLD" as F*** being the optimal word here is kaput, over, done, fried, crispy, and a vacant shell of a party not worthy of recognition. We find their ideas stagnate, tired, backwards, boorish, mean, and down right irrelevant...and frankly a little re'TARD.