It's ironic to note, that most of you will take advantage of the new benefits you received today. The bill is now the law of the land.
I hope for everyone's sake that you conservatives continue on the path you have chosen. I hope that you continue to nurture the lowest common denominator of your constituents, where racism, bigotry, and a disdain for reason are considered values.
Your party's philosophy and platform will eventually give way to progress. Of course progressing is your idea of communism, socialism, or otherwise.
As we seek scientific progress, it indelibly will drive social progress, advances in technology, social organization, and the evolution of intellectual communities that will produce social equality, economic equality, and advancements in the human condition.
It's a matter of science really that your party is dying a slow death. Society cannot continue on the conservative path.
It's unreasonable to think it can.
So until we meet again cavemen...suck on our progress.
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