Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Tuesday that he’d back a GOP filibuster of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill.
Lieberman, who caucuses with Democrats and is positioning himself as a fiscal hawk on the issue, said he opposes any health care bill that includes a government-run insurance program — even if it includes a provision allowing states to opt out of the program, as Reid’s has said the Senate bill will.
"We're trying to do too much at once," Lieberman said. “To put this government-created insurance company on top of everything else is just asking for trouble for the taxpayers, for the premium payers and for the national debt. I don’t think we need it now."
Lieberman added that he’d vote against a public option plan “even with an opt-out because it still creates a whole new government entitlement program for which taxpayers
will be on the line."
Dawg Senator Lieberman is a f*
cking traitor and must be
havin' real trouble understanding the Senate
healthcare reform bill, or is being bent over and drilled in the arse by someone with deep pockets. Truth is, the seemingly defunct public option would NOT be funded by taxpayers (as the cowardice Senator Lieberman falsely claims) and would be prohibited by law from drawing on general Treasury funds; it would be funded solely by those who choose to purchase it. It's not the same as Medicare or Medicaid which are provided to those who qualify as a "social welfare" entitlement program. The public option is a product which people can buy or opt out as they so choose.
Taxpayer funds will provide subsidies to lower and middle income people (Which Senator Lieberman supports), but those subsidies would be equivalent whether they are used for a public or private option. Finally, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has found that, if you're going to have subsidies, including a public option reduces the cost to taxpayers. This is also contrary to what Senator Lieberman claimed about the inclusion of a public option increasing the debt. Basically he is a LIAR.
What we want to know is why this
cker hasn't changed the "I" to an "R" yet? This no good piece of sh*t closet reptile is in the pocket of someone, and solely motivated like most reptiles by the all mighty dollar.
What we also want to know is, what is the f*
cking difference between not-for-profit government being between us and our doctor, or the insurance companies - a no account middleman - who are in the business of denying coverage?
Health Insurance companies are a for profit entity that are allowed to dictate what your coverage will be. How insane is that? Deny coverage, and they make money.
Healthcare insurance is the biggest scam going. They serve no other purpose, other than to take your money, and give you as little possible for your dollar. And somehow the Reptiles will have you believe that is NOT rationed
healthcare. On top of denying coverage they raise premiums 20+% or more each year while coverage and access to
healthcare erodes like a New Orleans flood wall.
The more you pay...the less you receive. And don't have a
pre-existing anything...game over.
All these f*
cks repeat like a broken goddamn record is, "don't raise taxes, don't raise taxes..." each and every nauseating second they open their mouths. YET, they have no other plan on record to provide a new solution or create equity and justice for all not just the filthy rich in this country. NONE.
NOTTA. ZILCH. The old saying, "the haves, and the have-
nots," has taken on new meaning in this country. It's now the, "Have it f*
cking alls, and have less than nothing."
These reptiles have been using the no TAX bullshit ad
nauseam forever, yet every one knows the deficit
ALWAYS rises under a Republican administration. Both
Dems and Reps raise the tax.
Reptiles just spend the money on bombs, guns, and GOD like a f*cking crackhead on the pipe...but NEVER see it as spending, growing government, or draining American pockets in the name of national security without having to call it TAX and SPEND.These hypocritical f*
cks give tax breaks to churches, corporations, the
uber-rich, and anyone under the sun that will suck a right-wing, bible thumping, crocodile penis. I don't go to church bitch...hell we don't even believe in religion. Where's our tax break?
Well guess what They always leave it up to the left to be holding the good
ol' tax bag, because the reality is folks...there are two things certain in life.
TAX and DEATH. And both are guilty of it. Republicans have just mastered the message that they don't tax. WE SAY BULLF*CKING SHIT.
For a fantastic read on the selfish ways of the right...SEE HERE
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