The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, is an American late night satirical TV show that dialed in its probing tragicomedy microscope on Republican's sick and twisted love affair with the likes of a profiteering war industry. (See the clip here) It's a shame a fake news show picked this up...while most mainstream media would rather report on f***ing "Balloon Boy."
The Gist
Republicans lined up in droves to vote against Franken Amdt. No. 2588 to prohibit the use of funds for any Federal contract with Halliburton Company, KBR, Inc., any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, or any other contracting party if such contractor or a subcontractor at any tier under such contract requires that employees or independent contractors sign mandatory arbitration clauses regarding certain claims.
Hmmmm, well that sounds pretty harmless doesn't it? Sounds like voting against Amdt. No. 2588 would protect companies like Haliburton from bogus law suits. Fair enough, right? In detail the amendment prohibits the government from contracting with companies that refuse to allow employees to pursue allegations in court. Except for the f***ing fact the allegations they fail to mention is more specifically RAPE/Sexual Assault.
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) proposed an amendment to the 2010 Defense Appropriations bill that would withhold defense contracts from companies like KBR “if they restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.”
Speaking on the Senate floor yesterday, Franken said:
The constitution gives everybody the right to due process of law … And today, defense contractors are using fine print in their contracts do deny women like Jamie Leigh Jones their day in court. … The victims of rape and discrimination deserve their day in court [and] Congress plainly has the constitutional power to make that happen.
Republicans voted unanimously against the amendment. So theGOPisDEAD thought it to be our civic duty to list the names and their vote:
Ayes: 68 (Democrat: 56; Republican: 10; Other: 2)
Republicans Voting 'Nay'
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