For most of yesterday, theGOPisDead was brimming with a sense of positivity and hope for and about America that hadn't been felt since pre-9/11. As much as the myth of big government can seem utterly dysfunctional, the leaders on the left again stood on the moral high ground and significantly closed the gap between us and the rest of the Western world. No more do we have to listen to GOP liars and schmucks who stand on the floor of the House and either ignorantly or maliciously expound on how we are trying to destroy "the greatest health care system in the world." You fools are now forever on the wrong side of history. Go eat a shit pie.
Our glee has nothing to do with a vindication of Obama and the democrats. Hell, I'm a registered Independent. But given the choice between good and evil, well, you're a fucking tool if you can't figure that one out. That said, Maureen Dowd (of all people) got it right when she wrote, "...the lofty president and the wily speaker suddenly steered [the Dems] off Jimmy Carter Highway and onto F.D.R. Drive." For all the talk of socialist propaganda and the destruction of America, it took a black man with a keen sense and respect of American history to take cues from some of the greatest presidents this country has had (and no, that does not include Reagan), learn from their mistakes, and put things right in their honor. We are truly impressed and for once, feel blessed.
Unfortunately, the last 9 years of GOP scumbagary has also negatively affected our brain patterns to the point that pleasure is no longer self-sustaining. So the thoughts that these ass-clowns are now going to run on promises of destroying the health care bill is enough to make us want to scratch our eyes out. It's not that we take that promise seriously. It's a sham offering, one that will never happen. It's more like watching King Kong (sans the sensitivity and hot chick) get riddled with bullets at the top of the skyscraper. You feel bad that a living creature is being hurt though you know that even in death, this fucker is going to flatten some people when it falls to the Earth.
Newt Gingerich theorized that this would “[destroy] their party much as Lyndon Johnson shattered the Democratic Party for 40 years” by passing civil rights legislation. That's the kind of delusional, anti-Americanism we're talking about. We still have a party that measures success by how much they can limit freedom, while at the same breath packaging it as salvaging those same rights. I have a dollar bill for you to earn, I just need four quarters.
Worse, it shows that the GOP hasn't grown up in over 40 years. They may not have turned on the fire hoses against blacks this time, but their most ardent followers spit on them, called our gay leaders 'fags', and all while giving implied support for such behavior. Shouts of 'baby killer' and 'You lie!' on the floor of the House... there hasn't been this much vile behavior since the Civil War. One almost feels like another one was brewing for some time. So we're keeping one eye open at all times in the back of our head as we move forward and beyond this sleaze.
The only thing we want to know is why the hell did it take this long for someone like Bob Herbert to come out and write such a perfect, blistering denunciation of the GOP and the Tea Bag Party? Herbert writes:
It is 2010, which means it is way past time for decent Americans to rise up against this kind of garbage, to fight it aggressively wherever it appears. And it is time for every American of good will to hold the Republican Party accountable for its role in tolerating, shielding and encouraging foul, mean-spirited and bigoted behavior in its ranks and among its strongest supporters.
It's clear at least one piece of GOP has been woken up by a mighty bitch-slap of reality. GOP speechwriter David Frum compares the "just say NO" strategy to the end of the Napoleonic era:
We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat.
Nor did it take long for these fucknuts to question their own voting tactics. Via the Boston Herald:
“If he were a milk carton, he would be expired,” said Massachusetts Democratic Party chairman John Walsh.
Brown’s backers from the insurgent Tea Party movement want to know if they’ve been had.
Been had? No. The arc of history bends towards justice, peace, and inclusion. There are setbacks along the way but until the GOP decides once and for all to stand on the right side of history, not just the right side of the aisle, they will forever be losers. Their followers will forever be ignorant fools. Their principals will forever be paper lions. To them, we say, "wake up and welcome to the 21st century."
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