"Aligning yourself with the platform of gay marriage as a Republican still tends to be very stigmatic, but Cindy McCain wanted to participate in the campaign to show people that party doesn't matter - marriage equality isn't a Republican issue any more than it is a Democratic issue. It's about human rights, and everybody being treated equally in the eyes of the law that runs and protects this country."
Oh god, now the republicans love the gays? Well for fuck sakes, who knew? We don't buy this shit for a New York minute. Redefining is not the word that comes to mind, yet more like re-aligning to gain votes. I'll give'm this...they're smart enough to know this is a civil rights issue that will most assuredly be something our kids take for granted someday. The not-so savvy of the reptilian right to see the obvious future and adapt like a fucking chameleon is not genius, but to execute their next move ahead of time may well be. What better way then to put their best reptilian foot forward with Cindy McCain who has nothing to lose. Now the crocs will sit back and see how ol' Joe the Plumber reacts...to suck or not to suck? C'mon dude, it's only skin.
Can they really handle guy on guy wedded bliss? We'll go out on a limb here and say a big FUCK NO. The DNA of the Republican base will rebuke this like a demon latched onto Linda Blair's soul. I can see it now, the masses of redneck, budwieser swillen, trailer park closeted gays leavin' the ol' ball and chain to marry a Joe Plumber of their very own. Yeah, right.
This little jewel of Cindy's won't last long and will be axed by the base as quick as the flash went off to take the pic. Nope...we say bullshit Cindy...you're true motive lies somewhere between maybe you do support gay marriage or your just a sacrificial lamb to test the proverbial waters of your party's constituency.
As more evident by recently anointed hater Sen. Scott Brown who touched off a political firestorm in 2001 when he disparaged Democratic state Senator Cheryl Jacques and her domestic partner, Jennifer Chrisler, for deciding to have children. In an interview with the Globe, Brown said it was "not normal" for two women to have a baby. He also dismissed Jacques's role in the relationship as her "alleged family responsibilities."
Yep, good ol' Cindy can lead that reptilian fuck to the path of GOP redefinition...ROFL!
Either way, we welcome even the right - to the RIGHT side of the issue. Sphere: Related Content