It never ceases to amaze us here at
theGOPisDEAD how obtuse the right-wing is, but ironically so sure of their opinions and ideology, without ever having truly lived on the other side of what they are so sure of. Disagreeable for the sake of being boorishly conservative, and dogmatic in spite of so much suffering.
Conservatives will mangle the truth of their hypocrisy by touting the moral high ground as if it were irrefutable. They string along the weak, the poor, and the stupid to the detriment of their own well-being. Conservatives believe they are the champions of morality. They are mostly afraid of progress and will fight tooth and nail for their customs, conventions, and continuities regardless of the evolution of modern society. They are so deathly afraid of what they don't know, they are in a constant battle to maintain the status quo whether it be the healthcare reform debate, social injustice, human suffering, or otherwise.
Conservatives have mastered the art of what is possible without ever having to actually achieve anything at all. Their core principles are reverberated as a constant in the political battle to win voters, yet neither of them will ever come to fruition.
They have been promising for 30+ years to reverse Roe vs Wade. It will
NEVER happen. They know it, and we know it.
It will never ever happen, but the right use it over and over again to divide and conquer. When will their constituents hold them accountable? When will they stop believing this lie?
They state they believe in smaller government, and that government cannot help, yet are unwilling to fall on this sword by privatizing public services such as schools, fire, police, medicare, medicaid, social security, and military to name a few. They are unwilling to note that our military is part of the federal government and somehow discount its expenditures as less than wasteful against social programs they denounce daily. The United States accounts for nearly half of the combined military budgets of the entire planet. The Pentagon budget comes to more than the gross domestic product of all 47 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. bringing the total for defense spending to between $925 billion and $1.14 trillion in 2009. That sounds like smaller government to us doesn't it?
Point is...they are the party of fear mongering dogmatic platitudes, along with their backwards assed thinking, gun-toting, bible thumping, trailer parked, toothless, redneck, racist constituents that vote against their own best interest in spite of the GOP's inability to render the country a post 1950s apocalyptic malformation of reason.
They say they are losing their country. But what does that mean? With every civil right given to our citizenry comes a hearty battle-cry from the right that we are digressing into a country of pornographers, infidels, baby killers, and perverts. What country are they losing? What country are they talking about? What the f*** are they trying to tell us?
The GOP clearly would like to roll the clock back in time...keep it all at bay where they feel safe and sound behind their white picket fences, Revelations, and locked doors waiting for Jesus to come save their hateful, war mongering, irrelevant, selfish selves from the ensuing Apocalypse.

Until then...we progress.
“The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt